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Posts posted by idacandlelady

  1. How do you all orgznize your recipes for B&B stuff?..mine are taking over..:D

    I now have a 2" and 1 " binder full of them..I have to start organizing these incase this loan goes through... I am going to have to have everything right at my finger tips and quickly to save time in the shop..sooo this is what was

    "in my pot for this weekend"

    I re-typed/printed out my MAIN..use all the time ones..including bases..cause you have to keep notes on those also..like how much dye for each scent etc.. and put them in categories in the 1" binder.











    Then I left a blank page behind each recipe for notes: so I can list..each FO and the amount of dye and Fo for each scent.

    Then I took all my other recipes..the ones I want to keep but either have not used yet or whatever..and filed them the same way in the 2" binder.

    WOW it is amazing how many I acumulated..and tried..wrote notes on and I have no idea what they mean.. :o I have to start keeping better notes..now that I have a page to do that on..I will.

    Now I just need to go buy a crap load of those clear sheet protectors so I don't spill anything on my nice neat pages.:undecided

    Just wondering, Do you offer a course in organization? I wanna sign up! LOL :D

  2. I just got my 1st order. I splurged and bought 12 scents(8&16oz bottles).:yay:

    I got:

    Blue Skies

    Celtic Moonspice


    Essence of Jesus

    Forbidden Fruit

    Love Spell

    Oatmeal Milk & Honey


    Pink Sugar

    Southern Sunshine

    & Sweet Tooth.

    I have to say that OOB I love them all!!! I just hope they all throw well in Pure Soy and soap!:D

  3. I know this is probably a dumb question, how much FO is generally used in cp soap?Does the amount change if it is cpop? what about hp?

    Also if you want to add things like oatmeal, luffa, pumice, or salt, how much should be used and when should it be added?

    I'm sorry if I'm asking for too much but I've looked (and I'm sure the info is there) but I just can't find the answers. I think I've looked too much and my brain is just not working right. LOL:D TIA

  4. Can anyone point me in the direction of CPOP instructions or tips? I'm gathering all the info for various processes of soapmaking before I get started. I have all the stuff I need to get started but I'm trying to get all the info I can before I try! TIA

  5. Can anyone tell me where I can get instructions for HP soap. I am getting all my stuff together to make my first batch of soap. I found instructions for CP, but I wanted to get both so I could try it both ways and see which I like better.TIA for any help

  6. Ok, 100% coconul oil.....when to add the salt please? Actually detailed instructions would be nice,lol. I would love to make a batch. TIA!
    Ditto!!! I haven't made soap before so I am looking for a good recipe before I try this. I have really dry skin and very hard water, that's why these interest me so!
  7. I actually had done 1 test candle before these. These had a little more FO and the tester I didn't use the frostop. Could it be a bad reaction with the frostop? I just started using this, but I have done several other batches with it and never had anything like this happen. I can tell you though, the frostop doesn't work!

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