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Posts posted by idacandlelady

  1. If you dont mind my asking, did your DH make yours a solid box or are the sides hinged? I want to make one and want to do it as simply as possible(for my first one). Just curious if the soap will come out if the sides don't open.

    Hubby made me one. I looked at a few molds online, took the inner dimensions and set him free with it. To find out how much it held.. is height x width x depth x .4 will tell you how much in ounces.

    Good Luck!

  2. Do any of you use crayons for coloring your soap? I know I've read about it somewhere, just wanted to be sure it was ok. I'm just starting soaping and don't want to (can't afford to) buy colorants yet. All I have is crayons or candle coloring.:undecided


  3. It seams that quite a few people use these, I'm kinda wondering how now. I just realized something, I think they are aluminum! I discovered this the hard way. After I got all of the wasted batch out I had nasty black blotches all over the inside of the mold and it smelled really bad. Those of you that use these how do you do it?:confused: Do you line it with something, or maybe it was my bad batch that caused this? Anyone know?

  4. All of my calculations seem right( I used soapmaker) but on a later batch I noticed a thin piece of hardened lye in my lye container(if that makes sense) and I don't know if that happened on this batch and I just didn't notice or if all the lye was mixed better. I guess I could go ahead and rebatch and find out. If there isn't enough lye it won't turn out, right? thanks for the help!


  5. I've read up a little on how to rebatch but I'm wondering. My batch that I want to do separated horribly, what would cause this? I set my tube/loaf mold in a loaf pan for leakage and it all oozed out into the loaf pan, but the problem is on one side of the pan is clear oil the other side looks vaguely(sp) like soap. It didn't ooze out looking like soap! Hope this makes sense. I'm just wondering How would I know if I need to add anything. Or should I just toss it and try again.



  6. This batch that I did last night separated also so no there isn't enough to tell a seam. The last batch I didn't notice a mark from the seam but my mold is the heart shaped one so I think the seam is on the top where the crevice is for the heart. Does that make sense?

  7. Just wondering if anyone has used and had any luck with a pampered chef tube/loaf mold? How are you supposed to seal this? I have made 2 batches in this and both of them ran right out the bottom during the oven cure. The second batch I used press n seal on the end but it still all came out. What am I doing wrong? Since these were my first 2 batches I've done I am very frustrated. Please Help! TIA

  8. Just wondering if anyone could tell me what benefit comes form using goats milk in soap? I've looked everywhere but can't find an answer. I though some of you talented soapers might be able to answer this! TIA

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