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Everything posted by asr

  1. Welcome! There is a wealth of great information here and also very helpful people. You will learn a lot here!
  2. One more idea...do you pour your lye solution down the shaft of your stick blender or down a spatula? That seems to make a bigger difference than I thought it would for me in cutting down on air bubbles.
  3. Lately I have been melting my hard oil/butters separately (I was just measuring and heating all together) and it seems to have cut down on the steric spots but I love the fine sieve idea!
  4. I got it a few months ago. I have a larger scale but it isn't as accurate for the smaller amounts. As I got into making lotions I needed something for small test batches. This is perfect!
  5. I use this one for fragrances and I really like it! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BW8WLOM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  6. Welcome! This is a great forum and so much useful info is posted here.
  7. The Cuisinart I have I don't have to continue to hold the lock button down; it is only pressed to get it started. Not sure they all are like that though. I for sure couldn't use it if I had to continue to hold both buttons. I was wondering the other day if I could take it apart to try to bypass it, but I really don't need another project or another broken stick blender if I mess it up 😆. Who am I kidding I know I am going to google this now to see if there are any videos on this.
  8. Adding that the failure on my Mueller was definitely at the connection like TallTayl mentioned.
  9. I am bumping this topic. I had the Mueller too (coincidence I hadn't read this thread at the time.) It broke on my 6th batch I made with it. Since I am just making small batches (1 lb) as I learn it was disappointing. The whisk attachment is fine; it is just the immersion attachment that won't work. But I read that their warranty great so I am going to reach out to them today. In the meantime I picked up another Cuisinart. It was what I started with and it just felt right to use another one! I am not a fan of the lock feature on it but I can deal. I figure if Mueller can replace the attachment I can keep it as a spare. I did find it to be too much power even on the lowest setting for such small batches, but I am hoping I get to try it out on a larger batch someday where the power would be nice!
  10. Thank you! I do use sodium lactate to help me unmold faster. Though I can’t say it makes a difference. I really love a lot of olive oil in my recipes (seems to work well for my very sensitive skin) and just takes forever to harden in the mold! I have been using 1 tsp per lb of oils. Do you think more would be ok?
  11. Thank you! I am going to try that for sure!
  12. I have been experimenting with cutting the amount down. I liked it to add to the bar hardness, but didn't like the bloom! To me this is also a perfect example of why people need to test, test, test, and then wait a long time before they even think of selling. This showed up 6 months later. I would hate to think if I had sold it to someone! (Not sure I will ever sell soap myself but just a perfect example of how it takes years to master your craft!)
  13. It’s a really great forum; people here are very helpful! Welcome!
  14. Can you visit the shop and do an inventory? You can calculate your sales from that based on what you took to the shop in the beginning. Do you have a contract with this shop owner? It should hopefully specify how this is handled too.
  15. This is beautiful!! For me it is bringing up memories of when I used to embroider with my grandmother when we went on family vacations. Who taught you to embroider or paint? Maybe some name ideas can come from when/where you learned, or who taught you?
  16. I am going to have to raise my prices. I am not sure how more marketing really is needed...and very skeptical they really want to go after listings that don't meet the vintage or handmade criteria.
  17. Good to know I am not the only one that does the ruler and paper testing method 😆 Thanks again these will be perfect and I am thinking of all the things around the house they would be great for in addition to crafting!
  18. Thank you!! These look perfect for what I need.
  19. What does everyone use to make their lotions? I bought 64 oz glass measuring cups because I prefer to use glass over plastic, but one pulse of my stick blender and I have a mess of unemulsified water and oils/butters everywhere! I am thinking something taller rather than wider would be better but before I buy something else to try I thought I would ask. Thanks! Amy
  20. Good luck Hannah and I would love to know results of your survey! (Developing and conducting a survey was my favorite part of my thesis research in grad school!)
  21. I actually had a positive experience as a new seller on Etsy. I have been selling crochet items for years locally but finally started on Etsy last fall. I use Pirate Ship and pretty much as soon as I pay for the label it is marked as shipped within Etsy with the tracking. I received all the notices from Etsy in the beginning about how they would hold my money, but in my case they usually released within 3 days. I like your idea of working on your own website along with Etsy. You can always list a few items on Etsy and see how it goes for you. The traffic is certainly nice…wishing you luck!
  22. I couldn’t find a pic of the one I posted above melted, but here is one with just a dusting of mica. You can definitely start out with small amounts of mica to start with! I love Mad Micas and their sample packs are generous. Have fun experimenting (that’s the best part!)
  23. I just use a little but you can really see it when it melts!
  24. For just shimmer as it melts you can just sprinkle on the top so you really don’t need much at all! They can clump a bit though so a tiny strainer helps. Like Laura mentioned you have to wait til they are almost set up or it just sinks. They are so pretty when they melt!
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