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Posts posted by funnygirl

  1. Awwww.... Thanks Guys for all the great compliments! :embarasse I really love working with the Palm wax. It is the first pillar wax I used, so I guess it doesnt seem difficult to me. I did have a hard time at first wicking them, but after trying the LX series with them, Im thrilled with my results. I get beautiful burns and leave no wasted wax shells, but I never breech. :wink2: The only additive I use with my palm is a little steric (also palm) to aid in mold release. I use Greenleaf's Large Crystal Palm wax and I just love it. Thank you all again. I really appreciate you taking a look. :D

  2. The beeswax can help some with the frosting. There are also some liquid dyes that are made for soy. They are called EVO dyes, and they are supposed to help w/frosting too, although I havent used them yet so I cant say for sure if it works. Now, about the all white candles. Many people perfer them, as they dont have to worry about the candles color clashing with their decor. What I do to add that little bit of color to livin them up, is I use clear labels. I have a square frame that borders my label, and depending on the scent, I color that frame to match it. For example, Apple Jack & Peel I use a red border, Vanilla Lavender gets a Lavender border, etc... I am a weird person and dont mind the frost that appears on colored soy. Many people assume it is intentional, like a rustic thing. But, I make all my soy candles without dye unless they request color.

    I think I read that someone else was marketing there all soy candles w/color as "little frosties". Sounds cute and wintery to me, LOL! :D

  3. OK, good. Since I wont know hot throw until next week I thought I would just check and see what everyone else thought. You know how with certian waxes some series throw and others dont. I know all the scents I am useing throw well w/the CD series in the 464, so Im hoping they will throw in this wax too. The cold throw seems good though, maybe even better than w/464. I kinda have a little candlenose off and on, but the cold throw does seem a bit stronger in the 415.

  4. I just wanted to thank everyone for your help. So far it looks like CD 16's and HTP 105's are working great. Now I dont know how these wicks will throw as my candles didnt get any cure time. Does anyone know if both these wicks tend to throw good in this wax? Tomorrow I will start testing my 10 oz. Apothecaries and Im thinking of starting out with 2 CD 14's or 16's. Does this sound good for 4" diameter? Thanks again everyone! :D

  5. I definatly have concidered calling the customer, and will if I have to. Candlemaking is my full time job, so I am pouring up testers tonight with all of your suggestions and am hoping to settle on wicks by the end of the week, so I can pour this weekend. Unless I have a terrible time with this wax, I think with it just being 10 scents I should be able to manage this. Everyone keep your fingers crossed.

    I did just notice something quite interesting though, the 464 is no longer on their site!!!!!????? Could this be why I they sent me the 415? It used to say Classic 464 wax, then it had classic soy wax and then classic soy w/cottonseed oil. Now all that is on there is classic soy & classic soy w/cottonseed oil. I guess classic soy is 415, and I have no idea what it is with the cottonseed oil. ARGGGGGGG! And it's not like you can ever get ahold of these people either. I use them cause they are close and ship fast, but their CS is for the birds. :embarasse

  6. OMG! I feel sick. I ordered 20 lbs. 464 a month or so back to begin my testing. Finally worked out the kinks, settled on pouring temps, wicks, etc..... Got my first large order for pure soy so I ordered a case. They accidently sent me 415!!!!!! I dont know what to do. I know absolutely nothing about 415. I know that it is supposed to be poured slushy and thats about it. I was so happy with the 464 cause I could pour it hot. Thank God the order is for 100 8 oz. Jelly Jars in 10 scents, so at least I dont have to test a bunch of different jars. I hate to ask this question cause I know how irksome it is to see someone asking the whole "how do I make a candle" type question, but thats basically what I am feeling like. Can some 415 users give me some tips on this wax, as far as heating temp, pouring tip, and a starting point on wicking for the 8 oz. Jelly Jars. Again, I am sorry to just out right ask this, but I have very little time to start from scratch. Of course I have no beeswax, as I had read it helps this wax. I need to try to test all the scents and get these made by this weekend to ship out Monday. :embarasse So PLEASE have pitty on a desperate little candle maker. :cry2:

    The wicks I have on hand are CD 14 & 16, LX 10, 20, 22 & 26, ECO 2, 8 & 10 and HTP 93 & 105. Lord please let one of these be the one! If not then I guess I will have to order more.

    BTW, there isnt some additive I could add to the 415 to make it like the 464 is there? Just had to ask.

    Any help anyone offers will be VERY much appreciated.

  7. I just bought one of these and have a couple of questions that I didnt see answers to in the other threads. I assume that we ignore the "Max Fill Line", as I dont see how I would be able to fit 40 lbs in otherwise. Also, how accurate are these as far as temp control? Just asking cause I dont want to set it on 200 if that really heats to 300, LOL! Of course I will be useing a themometor, but thought I would check. I already know to cover the coils with melted wax on the first use, then make sure that the coils are completely covered thereafter before turning on. Anything else I should know? TIA! :D

  8. If you are talking about a white frosty ring that appears after you burn the candle, about right underneath the burn pool, then that is completely normal for soy. I dont color my soy candles, so it isnt an issue for me. :D Just wanted you to know that if that is what you are talking about then your NOT doing anything wrong. ;) It's "normal". LOL!

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