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Posts posted by funnygirl

  1. Pouring up testers for my 'Sweet Home Arizona' line...

    Sweet Orange and Chili Pepper

    Good Lookin' Cowboy (aka leather)

    Pomegranate and Citrus

    Sonoran Sunset

    Cabin in the Pines

    Mountain Lake

    Clean Cotton and /or Sunwashed Linen

    Canyon Mist

    Spiced Honey Butter

    Chipotle Cracked Pecan and others if I have time...

    these will be chunk containers, wickless and tarts...already tired!

    Where did you find that Sweet Orange & Chili Pepper!!!??? I NEED to know, LOL!

  2. I did something interesting last weekend with a palm pillar. I didnt color it. I let it cool slightly then I took a toothpick with liquid dye on it and put some little dots around the rim of the mold. The dye slid straight down, giving me a nice pin striped candle, LOL! You never know, it could work with a container.

  3. I in no way disagree that little sirens go off when I see this stuff, but I still feel bad for people when they come here all happy and excited only to start a thread like this one. I looked and the guy only has 4 scents so far, so he isnt like some of these people out there that say, hey, Im gonna start a candle business today and have 100 FO's available within a couple of weeks. They make one candle and think they have it down, and assume all the rest will burn the same way. It just seems like so many here dont remember what it was like to be a newbie. Coming on this board as a newbie and asking a question is like walking into the lions den. My heart sinks everytime I see the "What wax should I use" question.:cry2: It is a good sign that these people are coming here. It shows that they are interested in learning more. Maybe the mods should concider putting up a sticky on "What not to ask when you are a newbie", LOL!!!!!!

    I am concerned about you not having insurance though. You really need to get that taken care of IMMEDIATLY!

  4. Just depends on what you are looking for in wax, but as far as ease of use, alot of people have good luck with parasoy blends. I use all kinds of wax depending on my needs at the moment, LOL! Not sure where you are located but most suppliers offer 1 or 10 lb samples you can buy for testing. Several will even send you out free samples. I suggest getting several and playing with them to see what you like. Once you find one you can live with, then you can come back here and read what others do to tweak it. :wink2:

  5. How can the fact that soy wax is a renewable resource apply to paraffin wax also????

    We were talking about whether pointing out the benifits of soy was the same thing as bashing paraffin. It's just not, and anyone who thinks that it is, well whatever. If I say I am smart it doesnt mean that I am saying everyone else is stupid. If I say I make healthy food choices and am at a healthy weight because of it, it doesnt mean that I am saying everyone else is fat.

    As a soy and paraffin user I really dont understand why so many people get all wired up over this. If someone is actually stating that paraffin is bad and soy is good that is one thing. But if they are pointing out good things about soy what is the big deal? Who cares if someones opinion is that it is a marketing gimmick? How do the rich get rich? By stating that their products and services are the same as everyone elses? Im sorry, but if you say that on your label your not gonna spark alot of interest from buyers. Should a soy candle makers slogan be "Same Ole Sh*t", LOL! (Well, that might actually get peoples attention, hehehe) Come on peoples, as candle makers we really should concentrate on what we could be doing to make our products superior to store brand junk instead of arguing over supposed ethics.

    :D Have I told you all lately that I love you! ROFLMAO!

  6. I understand what you are saying about fragrance oils being the culpret in many people with asthma having breathing problems when burning candles period. Different things trigger breathing problems with asthmatics or people with other breathing problems. My children dont seem to have any reaction to fragrances. My daughter wears perfume, sprays air freshners, etc. and it doesnt bother her. On the other hand, my Grandmother is also asthmatic and can burn candles, as long as they arent scented. She cant even where perfume, and we cant wear it when we are around her. This is the reason why I would never tout soy as being "safe" to burn around asthmatics like some people do. I guess I could say in my experiance in does burn cleaner than paraffin because that is my opinion, but I am not a scientist and have never measured toxins emitted from soy versus paraffin so I can say nothing about facts. What I do say is that my soy candles are made with 100% soy wax and fragrance oils. No dyes, no additives. Customers that like soy already know they like it and that is who I am marketing to. I dont feel the need to hype my soy candles up by saying "soy is better than paraffin" or whatever. My goal isnt to convert paraffin users to soy, as I sell paraffin also. I have had A LOT of people ask me if soy is healthier, better, cleaner, etc. Or the biggest question I get, "Does soy throw better paraffin?". IMHO no it doesnt. I have had to work really hard to get my soy to throw like my paraffin did. Soy is way picky when it comes to finding FO's that throw great, but I have gotten my soy candles to throw as good as my J-223 did, but I wouldnt say better. Anyway, I am not offended when I see people pointing out the benifits of soy, as long as they dont go into "paraffin is bad". I seriously doubt that palm users are offended by people pointing out the benifits of soy. JMO. :wink2:

  7. Ok, I just gotta say my peace about this. First of all, I make candles with lots of different kinds of wax. I have a pure soy I use for containers, as well as a parasoy blend that I use for my colored container candles. I use palm wax and paraffin wax for my pillars. I use to use only J-223 for my containers, cause they were just for me and they smelled good. Now, I stopped useing J-223 when my 2 asthmatic children where laying in their rooms each night gasping for breath and I couldnt figure out why. I dont care what anyone says, and Im not bashing paraffin cause I use it and love, I just cant burn it in my house because my children are DEFINATLY very sensitive to it. It's not the FO they are sensitive to, cause I burn my pure soy all day with the same FO's I use in my paraffin candles and it doesnt bother them a bit. Even my parasoy blend messes up their breathing. I dont need written scientific evidence to know what we experiance in our home. I have had to work REALLY hard to get my soy candles to throw like my J-223 candles did. If I didnt have kids that were sensitive to the paraffin, I would probably burn it because it smells good and is pretty easy to work with. But the fact of the matter is, there is definatly something that is happening when paraffin wax is burning that affects people with breathing problems that doesnt seem to be occuring in pure soy.

    I will say that paraffin and soy can both produce soot, BUT I have definatly noticed the soot to be different. I havent seen any "white soot" either, so I dont know about that. But on soy candles that I have had soot, I have had to work hard to get them to do it, by not trimming the wick or by overwicking them majorly. The soot I have gotten out of soy is very different than what I have gotten from paraffin. It is a powdery black film that I can wipe off with my finger or a dry cloth. The soot from the paraffin is thick, sticky and tacky black soot that can not be wiped clean with just a dry cloth. So anyway, Im gonna run and hide now cause Im sure someone is going to feel like I am bashing their paraffin candles now even though I am not, LOL! Im just stating the facts as they are in my home. If anyone would like to come to my home and conduct a study on paraffin VS soy around asthmatics, I wont charge ya too much! :D

  8. I did read up on the C-3. Looks like pour temps varie WIDELY. Anywhere from slushy to 180 from what I have read here on the boards. How is this wax for consistancy? I recall reading that 1 of the Cargil waxes varied wildly from batch to batch as far as wicking went, might have been the C-1. I appreciate your feedback. Oh yeah, I read someone said this wax needs at least 2-3 weeks cure time. Really?????? Im like a 3 day gal. If it doesnt throw in 3 days I move on to another FO, LOL!

  9. I just dont understand what it is w/me and soy. I started out with the GB 464, worked out the kinks and was very pleased with it, then suddenly my local supplier stopped carrying it and sent me 415 instead. I went on a hunt and found no suppliers anywhere near me that had 464, so I began working with the 415. Aside from having to pour slushy, I liked the 415 better than the 464 as far as throw. So now I go back to order more 415, and my supplier has stopped carrying it too! Once again, I searched around and cant find a local supplier for it. :cry2: I even checked out BCS cause I knew they sold EZ Soy which I heard is basically the same as 415 but it is no longer in stock. I really need a great hot/cold throwing soy that I can get in OK/TX area. One that isnt going to be discontinued. I dont color my soy candles, so frosting isnt an issue w/me. I do want a one pour, but I dont mind pouring slushy to get smooth tops. I want a 100% soy, or a soy w/modifier, no parasoy blends. Can anyone give me some feedback? I have searched through threads, but would really like some feedback from those that have used the GB 415 and are now useing something they like better. Anyone have any opinions on EL waxes?

    TIA for any comments/suggestions. :grin2:

  10. What ECO wax did you try? I use the ecosoya PB and do just fine. Blowouts are usually caused by too big of a wick or too long burn times. Look and see how long it is taking you to get a blowout, and wick down accordingly. As far as wicking, if you use wick pins in your mold, you can use the tabbed wicks with no problem. HTH! :wink2:

  11. Just Playing with the mottleing wax I got from Green Leaf. Poured up a couple mottles, then tried a mottle in a water bath to try to stop the mottle a little bit to get some "bursts". Then decided to try the same wax and make some rustics. 2 where made with just the wax, FO & dye, and 1 I added 2 T. of steric. Think I like the other 2 better, lol! So here they are. Remember, these are my firsts! :embarasse


    Scented left to right: Satin Sheets, Country Christmas & Lemongrass Sage


    Scented left to right: Angel Wings, Grapefruit Watermelon & Hazelnut Cream

  12. So pretty! Is there a photo tutorial anywhere, Im confused on how to center the glass with skewers etc.... They look so nice. I make alot of palms and hate to see them disapear, LOL! So this would be great!

    BTW, I have found the LX wicks to work great in palms. Centered melt pool, good flame height, excellent throw, no mushrooms and with the right size no breeching! I really think LX wicks were made for palm wax. :wink2:

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