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Posts posted by funnygirl

  1. Thank you everyone. I thought I was gonna lose my mind waiting for those guys to cool so I could take em out. And to my suprise, they slid right out. I was so worried I was gonna tear em up to get them out of the mold, cause I have read some real horror stories here on the board. Thanks again everyone!

  2. These are my very first pillars ever, LOL! I really enjoyed making these, and plan to do a whole lot more. These are made with GL's large crystal palm wax and their Dreamsicle. This wax really throws well, Im not used to actually being able to smell a pillar when its lit. :cheesy2: Anyway, thank you for looking.


  3. I would say if its only tarts for family and friends I personally wouldnt worry too much. I didnt carry insurance for my candles when it was just for family and friends. But, now that I am selling online, even if I only did tarts I would carry the insurance, because you never know what some person might do, and wax and FO still have a flash point and could ignite even though there is no wick, if a person does something crazy with them, LOL. People are so sue happy these days, I would just be afraid to take chances. JMO.

  4. Does anyone carry product liability insurance for their bath and body? I asked my company thats doing my candle PLI and they said its really hard to get it for B&B. The number $25,000/yr came up!!!!!

    OMG! How can anyone thats not a gigantic corp. pay that? If anyone has it and its affordable, please post where you get it from.

    How many of you carry it? Do you just not carry it and risk it?

    I feel so bummed out, cause I just bought this VERY expensive soy body butter base and some yummy body FO's that match my candles and was gonna slap it up on my site when I thought I should check with my agent first. I guess my skins gonna be really smooth for the next 10 years. :undecided

  5. This is my first post in the candle gallery :o

    Its also my first votives I have ever made. Im just so excited! I still need to wick these, but wanted to show them to somebody! LOL! These were made useing GL soy votive wax, with a little J223 added to avoid cracking. They came out very creamy and glossy. Scented with 1.5 oz pp country berry hotcakes. Cold throw is out of this world, and I just unmolded them. Cant wait to smell em when they cure a couple days.

    Sorry about pic size :embarasse



  6. Thanks, I have been selling just to people I know too, so I havent worried about insurance. But now that Im going "big time", lol, Im thinking it is a must. I mean I know the warning labels must provide some sort of protection, and I test and test to make sure everything is perfect, but God forbid some freak of nature occurence should happen and someones house burn down! :lipsrseal I know absolutely nothing about the product liability insurance, so I could be way off. Any advice would be appreciated!

  7. Like bubble wrap, boxes etc? I have always sold local to friends & family, but now I am expanding online. Also, who do you use for shipping? I have been looking at UPS, but wanted opinions. Oh yeah, do you get your product liability insurance from your regular insurance carrier? Sorry for all the questions, Im such a newb, LOL! Just want to try to do things right the first time, and I figure you all are the experts! ;)


  8. I HATE Direcway. We got them in December as well, cause we are out in the Boonies and there is no other option other than dial up, and we have no local numbers. There was no way I was gonna pay long distance charges for being online. Anyway, its constantly down, the speed stinks! They say its super fast, ours is just slighly faster than our dial up was. Plus, you can only download like 130 mb in an 8 hour period (FAP), if you go over, they knock you down to slower than dial up speed. :(

    I wish we could get cable or DSL. We just keep waiting for it to come our way. :waiting:

  9. Im not with them, but I have been to their site, and their prices are fliping HIGH! You could do alot of testing for alot less. I agree with going with a kit. You can get just as much for so much less by going that way. Just searching around the boards here will give you a pretty good idea of what works (most of the time) and what doesnt. Yeah, everyone will have some different results, but you can at least get a good idea of where to start.



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