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Posts posted by CathyinME

  1. Are you putting the label on all at once? If so start at one end & smooth it out as you go. If you still get bubbles try to push it out to the end of the label. I stopped using these labels just for that problem, couldn't stand even one freakin little bubble:laugh2:

  2. Wow, that's a company I haven't thought about in a long time. I never ordered much because of shipping since I'm on the east coast. I don't remember having any problem with anything I did get, though. I mainly bought stuff for gel candles and haven't for a while.

    Whatcha looking for, Lisa? I've got tons of porcelain and glass embeds that will probably never get made cause I just haven't had the urge to make those candles in a few years.

    Have any glass embeds you might want to get rid of??? I'm always on th elook out for ones like I used to get from RE/AH.:)

  3. I make the forevers. I use tlight cups & fill it with play dough. This holds it down so when you pour the wax in it doesn't float up. I can't remember who has the plugs if you want to use them. I take a look around & see if I can find out who has them. The hardest part is trying to get the cup centered!!

    Finally found the plugs if you don't want to use the glass inserts


  4. I just had the same problem with them. Out of stock oil, no mention about when it would be sent. Ignored emails, then she said it had been shipped but it actually had been shipped for another 10 days. Geesh don't lie about having shipped it when I can see on the package when it was really shipped:rolleyes2 It really sucks cause they do have a lot of oils for gel & I can get the gel shipped from them cheaper. The customer service sucks:mad:

  5. I have used both & they are both good. The first one does double duty cause you can remove the bowl & use it as a candle warmer. It will take a regular size tart. The second one is alot smaller but works just as well, one piece of a clamshell fits in it nicely. HTH

  6. Starr - if you can, get them to at least pay a deposit (non-refundable) which would cover the cost of the ingredients. Then if they change their mind, you are not out anything.

    Exactly. the only thing you areout of is your time. Hopefully it is something you can sell somewhere else.

  7. We will probably do some forevers, even though they are a PITA to pour. Trying to get that damn tealight cup centered is a right pain.


    It is a PITA!! I fill my holder with playdoh & leave a little hump in it so when I put the holder in I press it against the bottom & usually it will hold(if that makes sense!).

  8. That should be rustic look.....LOL. Maybe I am the one who is tired :)

    The photos are not the best quality either. Will take some better ones of the next few we make. These ones are currently being test burned for wicking, although I think that most people who spend the money on pillars like this would be more liely to display them rather than burn them.


    Make them forevers!!

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