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Everything posted by sherry

  1. Hey; Grampy Girl: Don't you have a class coming up in November 10-11 for salt bars with swirls. Are you going to do the same thing as Eugenia did. cause ill wait for you to do my first salt bars ill be there Girl :yay:
  2. What is the web site name i liketo order some to please
  3. I Have the same problem don't know nothing about web sites. But i like to have one please help me to understand Them :sad2: :confused:
  4. Oh:thumbsup: my, Limsday How many web sites you have and all are beautiful did you did them your self they look so professional,
  5. 8-GRAN-ONES You did it looks GOOOOOd:bliss:
  6. Yes GrandmaArial, Eugenia's soaps do look like a free hand painting with just the Coco powder for swirls That's why i will be first in the class :bliss:
  7. Are you going to do the same with the beginners class With the Parsley So I can tie my self in the chair to watch how you going to do the swirls Pleaseeeeeee Eugenia:bliss:
  8. :whistle: :whistle: Eugenia: OMG Those colors are Gorgeous with just coco Powder This Is the first time i see one of your soaps in Pic There beautiful:drool: :drool: I bet they smell good to
  9. Candlegirl: I need help with mine to please help is this Studio Beck Disinghs a Web site
  10. :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: Those Looks Goodddd; Girl I love them all but the blue and of white you did it again
  11. Eugenia: What is the bennefit of Parsley in the soap.
  12. Me to i can't wait to learn more From the pros especially the salt bars I will be there
  13. Hi Jenn i can't find there web cite please help Sherry
  14. Here is My latest Apple Jack And Tea Tree Thee Colors dint run like i was expected but Hey i am steel a newbe happy with what i got
  15. Those Are awesome looking bar soaps
  16. :rockon: Your Soaps are gorgeous GrandmaAria :wink2: Eugenia! Thanks for the recipe i been looking for one to But i have a question can you wash your face with it or just to bath with what so good about it That everybody talks about. :confused: :confused:
  17. Sorry the pictures dint come out good. No those are not purses there SOAP HOLDERS for your Bathroom Itry to take another one and you can see it better
  18. Well ladies i have been doing Craft Shows since 1987 at least 10 to 15 a year But this year i only did one see i have two bad! knees witch they don't hold me anymore so i have to go for an operation in October for and then the other one so with the of my family i did one big one for 18 days i been doing this show for 3 years and it's a good one expensive but good Anyway here some pictures of my booth And wish me lock
  19. That looks awesome Shoogie:thumbsup:
  20. :wink2: You did it again MERIDITH !!!! Every one of them looks Good. It looks like the cremlins ar gone :laugh2:
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