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Posts posted by NightLight

  1. Okay this needs more information.

    Why is this too hard? 

    Is this to be cut or lit as is?

    How is this to be melted? Maybe too hard is good you don’t want wax flooding a table with burning wicks.

    What are your ingredients - types of wax, types of wick.

    What is the proposed outcome for this cake?

  2. Jeana posted those fun color candles, and now I have colored candle lust! I have a couple liquid colors from Wellington Fragrance that work well.

    Some of you have said there are stinky and not so stinky, and from some past this and that bottle some of the liquids are not all that dissolved well.



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  3. Here’s my crafty tip.

    Get a notebook and removeable stickers.

    Write the method in your notebook, and then also on sticker for back of clamshell?

    Wax type

    Fragrance load in percentage

    Pour temp

    Dye and how much dye



    In your notebook you should record all your fragrances and evaluations.

    Some will be light and some strong.


    Remember when change the percentage of anything in candle wax, you change the outcome!

    Be precise in testing then you will always be able to duplicate your results.



    You might want to start undyed  to learn how your wax works with the fragrance percentage.

    Then start with dye. Adding anything to candle wax can change things a lot. Most dyes harden wax, but

    I don’t add color as I have enoug issues getting perfect without testing a million colors.

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  4. Interesting. But having just had chimney lined I am very cautious what goes up in there. They sound great for outdoor fires but I would not use them in a fireplace, unlined or lined. Just sayin. Chimney liners are expensive.

  5. I decided against C6 because of frosting, and tops should pour smooth considering it’s marketed as one pour wax.

    My sample was if firmish not super soft, but it’s still chilly here in Northeast tho my studio is close to 80 

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