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Posts posted by ComfortandJoy

  1. I worked with wood wicks from the Wooden Wick Co (now Makesy) for almost 4 years.  I found them to be very inconsistent.  I think it's the nature of the beast, so to speak.  I switched to cotton wicks and never looked back.  I use Premier and it has been a game changer.


    I used their regular and whisper wicks.  From what I hear, the old wooden wicks worked much better but they apparently treated them with something that is considered toxic?  Not sure, but that is what I heard.

  2. Hi Everyone!


    I have decided to begin my foray into the world of pillar candles using feather palm wax.  


    Very sad that CS no longer carries the CSN wicks.  I tried the Premier wicks I have on hand, and it seemed to do fairly well, but then the flame weakens.  What other wicks should I try?


    Also, since I have learned that palm wax burns first down, then out, what should I be looking for in burn progression?  For example, after two hours of burn, approximately what size should my melt pool be at that time?


    The candle in the pic was burned at two hour intervals for a total of 6 hours.  How does that look?  (I used a premier wick #777)


    And, finally, I poured the candle, then poked holes throughout the cooling process and did a final pour once the candle was completely cooled.  The wax in that area was not feathered, but solid.  Does anyone pour without poking holes?


    Thanks so much! 🙂



  3. 11 hours ago, TallTayl said:

    @ComfortandJoy want to share your journey?


    Sure!  I am happy to help in any way I can.


    @jpmakescandles As others have shared, be prepared for inconsistencies.  I, too had great burning wood wick candles.  But, I had many more that burned poorly/inconsistently enough to cause me to shy away from selling them.  I used wooden wicks for 3 years, and finally had to acknowledge that it was the wicks that were causing the problem.  I used mostly soy (and different ones, including Freedom Wax)  I also tried several coconut waxes, including different vessels.  I really, really tried.  Aside from major inconsistencies, there was the problem with the wicks sputtering black soot/specs into the wax toward the end of the burn.  It happened more often than not.  As @TallTayl said, wood by nature is inconsistent.  There was a time that wood wicks did burn well and consistently, but it was more of a composite material that compensated for the inconsistency.  Sadly, they are no longer available.


    I am now using cotton wicks and I am amazed at the difference.  I FINALLY have candles burning well, and WAY more consistently.  I almost can't believe it, after all I went through with wood wicks.


    All that being said, the greatest freedom you have is finding out for yourself.  So, go ahead and make your own discoveries.  It will always be the best way to learn.


    I have a ton of wooden wicks I'd like to pass along, so if you're interested, let me know!  I have a few sample packs as well.

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  4. On 3/21/2021 at 11:16 PM, ErronB said:

    Essential oils are not a good idea for candles, you'll end up using a ton to 'maybe' get an acceptable hot throw which is very expensive and some of them are toxic when burned in a candle.


    Stick to fragrance oils intended for candles 

    What @ErronB said

  5. On 1/28/2021 at 12:12 AM, ErronB said:

    Yep I know that story too well, I tried literally everything for over a whole year to make the wooden wick co stuff burn consistent and nothing came of it, it’s hot garbage. I really miss those old ones, it was very rare that I’d have a problem with them.

    I can't believe I held on for so long.  😑

  6. 5 hours ago, TallTayl said:

    Wooden wicks come in different woods also.  Some are more porous than others.  

    in the end, wooden wicks are what they are,love them or hate them.  I have not had any confidence releasing any wooden wick candles into the wild. one wick in a pack will drown the the one next out of the bag will flare in the same pour. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

    Yep!  This happened to me on more than one occasion.

  7. Concurring with what @ErronB said.


    I tried getting wood wicks to work in my candles for more than 3 years.  I used all kinds of wax blends, but no matter what I tried, they never performed consistently enough to make me confident enough to sell.  I tried all of the wick varieties by Wooden Wick Co. I have come to the conclusion that wood wicks are inherently inconsistent by nature.  There were other wood wicks from years ago that were formed with a homogenized mixture of wood and binding material.  I hear they worked well.  Sad they are no longer available.


    I've switched to regular cotton type wicks and I'm finally achieving much more consistent results.



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  8. On 12/29/2020 at 11:40 AM, TallTayl said:

    I found a perfect use for them: lighting the wood pellet stove.

    The supply of wood pellets is as terrible as the search for a decently consistent wooden wick.  Some brands just don’t light without a LOT of help.  I stick a wooden wick in front of the igniter and it catches enough to spread the flame across the burn pot and light on the first try. 

    the stack of wooden wicks I have is finally not a waste of $, especially given the cost of a new igniter that I really didn’t need after all. 🤗😂

    haha!  You're a genius! 

  9. On 12/19/2020 at 11:31 PM, ErronB said:

    Yep, same story when I used to test all their stuff. I don't use any of it now, and probably never will again. Unless they come out with a wooden wick that actually works consistently but I don't see that happening. Some of the FO's smell nice but there was nothing I couldn't live without, especially for the ridiculous price.

    I agree!  I don't see them coming out with a consistent wood wick anytime soon.  Think, never! 

  10. I completely concur with @Busy Bee on wooden wicks.  Fun for personal use, but I cannot recommend them for production level commercial orders.  I have finally thrown in the towel after 3.5 years of trying.  (And, boy, did I try!)  Wood, by nature, is inconsistent, and not something you want if you ever want to have a consistent line of candles.  I never used them, but the older wood wicks were made up of a composite wood material, compensating for the lack of consistency.  Too bad they are no longer around.  I get really angry thinking that one company holds the patent on wood wicks.  They make a crappy product.


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  11. 3 hours ago, LivInTX said:

    I did email RE to ask about Pumpkin Creme Brulee, as I would really like to try it. They said they did not have an ETA, but they would be restocking it. Not much help, but I thought I would share with you.

    Thank you so much!  I just purchase Pumpkin Cookie Crunch from Just Scent, and it smells almost exactly like RE's Pumpkin Creme Brulee!  Hopefully, it will throw well!

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