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Posts posted by glasllyn

  1. Mishap Update: I stopped hating it.

    It actually smells...good! It had to take a lil' nap and now it's nice and mellow. I think it smells like a feminine, berry cocktail. The thing is, I freaked out at the last minute and added a bit more wax and a some of the french vanilla and I have no idea how much I added. It's a Panic Candle. And also a mystery. I can see people who like berry scents really liking this. My daughter does. It has that Yankee/BBW thing going on. It' so familiar. Can you smell it through the screen and tell me what it is? Something with raspberries.


  2. 19 minutes ago, justajesuschick said:

    Or it was genius! About 4 years ago, I was rushing out to dinner and quickly poured the last of what I needed to pour and only later did I discover I made a mix up in oil bottles. I decided to try one after my first instinct was to throw it out. As it turns out, it was good and now is one of my top selling blends! So, you just never know... 

    What was it? Or is it top secret?

  3. 6 hours ago, Sponiebr said:

    ^ Internet Explorer user right there folks! Behold! Don't let yourself become the next victim! Harden your internet butt with CHROME!

    (I'm just play'n here... But seriously,  IE sux.) 

    Edited to add: 

    "I am using Chrome. I'll take a look at that."
    Whoops! Didn't see that... I'm in Linux Mint and I had an issue with Chrome just yesterday as well... Had to change the ownership and grouping of one of the config files. I think that FF has probably surpassed Chrome for the time being... I'm confident Chrome will catch up;) (I'm a Linux user with a Netflix account I HAVE to use Chrome, [not Chromium, real Chrome baby!)  Are you using Windows?  



    Sponiebr: ThExecutor of Bad Ideas and Sundry Services. 

    Yes, Windows. And doors. (Sorry.)

    • Like 2
  4. 20 minutes ago, ghostrider said:

    Where do you live?  In the shopping cart there is a dropdown box for shipping, select more carriers and choose usps.  I get flat rate envelope for $7.15. to Ohio.  And you should just buy a pound I did and I was not disappointed.

    I'm in Massachusetts and the dropdown option is UPS. Nothing else.

  5. OK. It's not a real crisis, I was being dramatic, but it feels like one right now. I need to try Vanilla Voodoo, but CC wants me to pay them $20 to ship 2 oz of Vanilla Voodoo. Ummm... what?

    Everyone has been talking about this lovely FO and I need to have it. But $20? For such a tiny package? No.

    Unless you have any alternative suggestions about how I can procure this mythological voodoo creature, can you please recommend some vanillas?  I have NONE that like. I love vanilla and I have one not-very-good one. How sad is that? A whole lotta sad, that's how much.


    Thank you.



  6. On 3/26/2017 at 8:20 PM, kandlekrazy said:

    I have a list of blends I printed from somewhere that I will dig out, but not sure they are different smelling when blended.  I guess I never really thought about it.  Hopefully my list has a source printed on it or I don't remember where I got it.


    Does spearmint and leather really make licorice? 


    I don't know. Maybe. I was just making it up. Now I wonder myself...

    • Like 1

    2 hours ago, birdcharm said:

    Do you have any "room" (percentage-wise) to add anything else to this wax? 


    I just finished up some candles for my "Sandalwood or Sandalwood-mixes" customer -- a couple of the mixes were cinnamon and vanilla.


    Then I got bored -- two others were the sandalwood mixed with mango and the other with pineapple.  I'm surprised!


    Maybe if it's possible to add anything to your mix, you could try a tropical fruit.

    So funny you said that because it smells a lot like fruit punch to me, but it also smells like a Yankee Candle I've smelled before. I would have to remelt it and add more wax. It's very strong as it is. (Can I even do that?)  My daughter smelled it- I didn't tell her anything about it-and she said, "This smells just like a Yankee Candle." I asked which one, but she couldn't remember, either. So, I apparently have a dupe for a Yankee Candle that I can't name. So, maybe I'll call it, "Name That Candle."

    I did think of cutting with with vanilla and maybe cinnamon. Are you psychic?

  8. 23 minutes ago, Shari said:

    I had done a bit of MP but really didn't enjoy it.  Then I found CP and started with basic recipes and fell in love with it.  I like the artistic side and the scientific side.  I like making and tweaking recipes.  It has become an addiction as well therapy for me.  Some folks can make really beautiful MP I'm not one of them.

    I understand the scientific side part. It's one of the reasons I love making perfume. You can start with all of these separate components and end up with something that is this a nothing like the individual elements, but more of a complex chord. 

    (Also, you could end up with total crap.)

    • Like 1
  9. I'd love to see how you're all storing your FOs. I don't have a good system and I know my collection will continue to grow. I had no idea I would accumulate this many, but it's an addiction I fear will not be cured anytime soon.

  10. Yes, soft in a good way.

    Carmel Tobacco is not anything like tobacco. I've also gotten it from NG, but I'm not a big fan of their stuff. It's another warm scent that would be a good mixer. If I had it in front of me I'd describe it for you. It's not cigar or anything. I don't like that scent. It's also not "men's cologne." I'll get back to you on it when I bring it out.

    50/50 ratio



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  11. I have been happy with every FO from them, which is pretty impressive. Their Kentucky Bourbon is very much a deep vanilla. It doesn't smell like bourbon at all, which was disappointing until I used it in other things.  Mixed with their French Vanilla, it becomes a butterscotch-y. It's very warm. Their Egyptian Musk is sooooo soft. Caramel Tobacco is awesome, too. 

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Moonstar said:

    You come up with some wonderful sounding blends - very creative, I like that :) Do you actually smell the sugar, its a nice 

    sweet scent then ? Could it pass for lemonade ?

    Thanks! I love playing with blends!

    I'd describe it more as lemon drops. It's definitely a sugary lemon rather than a very tart lemon or lemonade. Absolutely no floor cleaner or Pledge!

    1 hour ago, WaxingPoetic said:

    Sugared Lemon sounds fantastic omg, I will order that soon !! And cherry tobacco is a scent that my dad has requested for ages, but I couldn't find anything true to it !


    So those recs are awesome, thank you so much !! I hope that this isn't a completely stupid question but what is FC ? I mean, I get that it's a supplier, lol but I can't put together which one


    FC= Flaming Candle: https://www.theflamingcandle.com/

    I suppose it's really TFC. Sorry for the confusion!


    I couldn't find a match, either, until I bought that one. It brings back memories and I love it. I also bought one from WSP,  and OOB it wasn't a match. However, I haven't tried it in a product, so I'm not writing it off. 


    • Like 1
  13. I saw some lemon-lovers here and I found that Sugared Lemon from FC is fantastic. I used it in wax melts with Ecosoya Advanced (notorious for poor throw, I just learned) and it just won't quit! Another winner was their Tobacco Pipe. If you had an old man in your life who smoked that cherry pipe tobacco, this is the one. Totally authentic. Oddly enough, I like they way those two smell together. It may just be me, I know. I also like the blend of RE Lilacs and Lilies (holy cold throw!!!) with FC Fresh Cut Grass. It gives it a garden-y aroma. 

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