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Posts posted by glasllyn

  1. 4 hours ago, Gsmakinsoap said:

    Why throw away a perfectly good bowl? I got one with my order too, 2 years ago. We used it for awhile, but with kids all our bowls break eventually, and so did this one. It's the perfect size and was nice while it lasted. But being suspicious is way more fun. I should've hired a detective.


    I have it sitting on my counter with the spoon in it. I just look at it quizzically as though it's going to reveal the location of a pot of gold or something.

    • Like 1
  2. OK. Gemlite. Hmm. Here's what I ordered and my initial impressions NOT tested in wax or soap, just blotters. I'm trying to create some unique scents from basic ingredients just to see what happens, and I'm not familiar with some of these aromas, which is why I thought I'd try samples. By the way, they come in nice little 1/2 oz glass bottles, which I fully intend to reuse for perfumery. A $4 sample in a nice glass bottle? I'll take it! 


    Brandy- Smells like grapes. Just grapes. I really like a good, legit, French brandy, so I'm familiar with the scent. This is not it. Just like how wine doesn't smell like grapes.

    Peach- Smells like peach. A bit off, but it could be a matter of OOB phenomenon.

    Benzoin- I have not experimented with this before, but it smells similar to the descriptions I've seen everywhere else. Nice, earthy, vanilla-y

    Gurjun- I don't know what to tell you because, again, it's new to me. It's herbal, balsam, a little cut pine branch?

    Galbanum- This smells like something I've noted in perfumes and men's colognes. I recognize it. Something earthy, herbal, and smells a lot like a jar of pickled jalapenos. 

    Blackberry- Smells like grapes. Hmm. Not sure about this one. Similar to Brandy. I'll check on it later.

    Vanilla Extract 10x- Guess what this smells like! (It's nice, actually.)

    Juniper Berry- Hello, juniper. Nice to meet you! I plan on making a Gin & Tonic scent with this.

    Styrax- Pardon me, Styrax? Is this really what you smell like? Huh. OK, then. No idea what to do with this or whether I want to do anything with it at all.

    Sweet Pea- This could be a winner. Smells fresh and not too sweet or perfume-y. This is not BBW; it's the flower.

    New Mown Hay- Yep. Hay. Soft and warm. Hope it holds up in products!

    Oak Chips SE- Okie dokie, Oak Chips. I'm stumped (Ha! Pun!). It's a thick, brown substance that shouldn't be in a bottle because it doesn't come out. Need to research.

    Nutmeg- Strong and likely accurate, but impossible to know OOB because no one nutmegs the crap out of anything. You'd die.


         Summary: My experience with Gemlite has been odd to say the least. (I now remember why I purchased from them: they're based in my state.) They sell soap and candle products...and tiny flashlights...so...yeah...BUT, maybe that bowl and spoon are hilarious and I should be delighted to do business with a quirky company like that. Additionally, they were out of an oil I ordered, so they emailed me to ask if I'd be OK with a 16oz Spearmint. Why, yes I would! I happened to need Spearmint, actually! I know you want me to call the company and ask about the bowl, but there's a part of me that just wants to let it remain a mystery. Perhaps someone else can order and see what you get? Who knows? Could be something you've always wanted.


  3. 1 minute ago, GoldieMN said:

    Maybe a surprise gift for St. Patty's Day?  Leprechauns and luck. . .you know.  Could have had a drawing for the month.  Are you going to ask them?



    Interesting thought. If you could have seen the sticker- It looks like it's been on there since the 70s. It's all brittle and yellow. I mean, look at it. Just weird.

    I don't know if I'm going to ask them. 

  4. It took up most of the box. Each oil was wrapped in that same paper, which also looks rather like the very first computer paper ever made. And, also, it says "secret" on it. It's just bizarre. It looks like a serial killer sent me a weird box of stuff. 

    Notice I did not say "cereal killer." EXCEPT WHAT IF THAT'S THE MESSAGE THEY WERE SENDING?

    • Like 5
    • Haha 1
  5. I just received an order from Gemlite. I don't remember why I ordered from them in the first place because the order took kind of a long time to get here (prices maybe?). Anyway, inside the box with the FOs and EOs all wrapped in computer paper marked "secret" was something else. Something...uh...well...



    • Like 2
  6. On 9/2/2016 at 10:58 AM, KrazeKelly said:

    Well, 2:45am and I got these made. ?Banana Walnut Cake, Chocolate Strawberries w/ Sea Salt, Pumpkin Soufflé & Blueberries w/ Warm Vanilla Nutmeg. Smells awesome in my house right now. ? still have Cinnaberries left to finish.




    HOW? How do you get the whipped portion to sit atop the base melt? How???

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, jbradshaw said:

    Just throwing this out there - another option is an inversion mask. I live in Utah (Salt Lake, specifically) and we get really bad air during the winter because the pollution gets trapped in the valley. 


    My husband worked in a pharmaceutical lab for years and wore a respirator for the majority of those years - please remember that it can take your body time to adjust to how much harder it is to breathe through a respirator. Your lungs are working harder and you may feel short of breath until you adjust. 




    I purchased a mask specifically for filtering out organic solvents. I only get two lungs and one brain. I'm not going to mess them up if I can help it.

    • Like 2
  8. Just now, Incendia said:


    I was just looking at Amazon at their air purifiers. There are a great many of them, and the price range is significant. That's not including any $ for filter changes. And if you read outside opinions/articles on air purifiers, they just may not do what we think they might/should.


    Right. It's hard to know if you're getting what you think you're getting.

  9. 2 minutes ago, soshiegirl said:

    Glasllyn - WSP is a dead ringer for a baking bread scent.  Backwoods has a more prominent butter note adding that scent of creaminess to it.  Both are wonderful and worth giving a try.


    Thank you, soshiegirl!

    Since I'm placing an order with WSP, are there any other spot-on scents you recommend?

  10. 9 hours ago, rctfavr3 said:

    For anyone wanting to create a paper aged book smell you could start with Sandalwood.

    Something like a heavy dose of sandalwood followed by a little bit of leather. This is your base. It should be fairly nondescript in aroma. You shouldn't really be able to pinpoint the leather or sandalwood. The right Leather FO makes the difference. You'll have to experiment. To that add Tonka Bean FO or Marzipan FO. You're wanting a powdery slightly almond aroma. Lastly add in drops (cause a little goes a long way) Fresh Cut Grass, VERY LITTLE! This is the secret ingredient. When paper deteriorates it releases this type of aroma. The trick is to add enough to smell but not so much that the overall composition smells "green".


    And there you have it. Old Book aroma.


    Back to SOS. Their Paper FO has a note that you'll likely recognize. That particular aroma is found in old paper but it's too obvious in this blend. You'll likely want to tame it if you plan on selling it as a fragrance. Oddly enough, combined with their Playdoh FO seems to make it smell pretty accurate.


    Thanks for this! I've been experimenting with those elements. Grass does help. Sandalwood is a problem, because I find it difficult to find an accurate representation, and I'm not going to buy the real thing. It's like vanilla- so few FOs actually smell like vanilla, but so few people agree on what vanilla smells like, so you have to buy every vanilla on Earth to find "The One." 

    • Like 1
  11. 11 hours ago, TallTayl said:

    Personal protective equipment, always. Including a cartridge respirator rated for chemical vapors and gloves.


    And look into machines to clear the VOCs from your air. Look into an exhaust vent like a commercial kitchen hood, and air purifiers. I bought one air purifier that changes the air in my shop something like 20 times an hour. It has really helped. 


    I haven't purchased an air purifier because so many of them are ineffective. Would love a rec for an effective model.

  12. 27 minutes ago, WaxingPoetic said:

    You know....I didn't connect this at the time but I just recently came off of a cycle of cluster headaches. Never got them before and was actually afraid that I had a brain tumor at first, before I found out what it was. 


    Idk if you guys ever experience clusters but they are nicknamed the suicide headaches. On my affected side, that eye would water and that side of my nose would run, followed by the most horrific pain ever and I say this as someone who had two childbirths with no epidural or anything.


    I was really amping up my candle making prior to that...I'm now wondering if that served as a trigger ? The cycle lasted a few weeks, I was lucky...they last months for some.


    Hopefully we all get this sorted. I hope that you guys having headaches get much better very soon ! 


    I wouldn't doubt it for a second. I don't get clusters, but I've had migraines, and those can be triggered by random things. Get that respirator! 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, GoldieMN said:

    I LOVE the smell of gas when I'm filling the car.  Also love the smell of my garage.  Not sure I would want to smell one of them all day, though.  Well, maybe the garage. :laugh2:



    I love the smell of gas, too. 

    Once upon a time, I was a mechanic. The chemicals never bothered me. I kind of liked them.

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