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Posts posted by celicagtca

  1. Hi T,

    Welcome! Considering your 1 week into this, not bad! I remember 5 years ago when I first started, my votives were not appealing at all, let alone sellable. You have to start somewhere and believe me...practice makes perfect. I like others on this board have purchased books and yes they are imformative, but not detailed. Sometimes making a mistake creates solutions and your going to make a lot of mistakes in this business to the point of pulling your hair out, but by asking lots of questions, you will get an abundance of assistance from others.

    Once again...Welcome and it's nice to have you here! :)

  2. OMGosh, those are breathtaking!!! Wow! Is that wax hard to wick? Beautiful job! :D

    I used a 45 ply on the 4" pillars and I have just gotten another order for the 3" in the same style...will use a 36 ply on those. Have tested this wicking on the Palm 2 and Palm 3 and both waxes have the same burning characteristics.

    Here are pics of a 3" x 4" "Palm 3 feathered with the 36 ply wicking from start to almost finished. This candle has been burned for about 4-5 hours a day with no blowouts.



  3. Thanks everybody for the compliments!

    This wax is so tricky without FO. You have to make sure you have the temp. up to 203 degrees before you can even get these things out of the molds. They have to be cooled at room temperature, which takes about 16 hours for a 4" x 6". Patience is the key for this wax. The stamp on the bottom of the pillar is our SC logo. My DH designed all the molds and bases by tool and die. These take time, but the finished product is nice.

    Thanks again!

  4. :mad: I haven't been feeling well and my last several pillars are reflecting it!

    These are supposed to be dark green rustics. Yuck. I hope this slump goes away soon. Not to mention I have the worst digital camera on the planet. :o

    I really like those considering how you were feeling. I think they turned out very nice.

    Hope your feeling better soon!

  5. Hi Guys,

    Decided not to go with the mini fortune cookie boxes till they drop in price a little bit. Ordering from Canada gets pretty pricey especially when those cute little boxes come from the U.S. I wanted to go the frosted route but I would have to sell the cookies for more than what I think their worth! I have ordered some really nice containers which I should be getting this week. Once I have the labelling down pat, I'll be sure to post the finished product for your input. :)

    Thanks Again!

  6. Thanks for the ideas and as for the packaging, right now their packaged in small cello bags (4 per bag) with a hang tag, but I think I'm going to go with a small take-out box. When I get the boxes, I'll post before and after photos and you guys be the judges. :)

    Thanks again for the advise!

  7. Hey Garf,

    Now that is a really cool idea! I remember in the OLD DAYS and I'm not saying how old I am...they use to sell heads of lettuce, red peppers, apples, etc., that you put in your "Crisper" drawer in the fridge, I really call it the "Rotter" drawer as my fruit and veggies never seem to stay fresh for more than a week, anyway, that is where you would put your valubles, rings, $$, anything you wouldn't want ripped off. Ontill the thief decides he wants an apple before he leaves with your belongings and finds he just hit a gold mine on his way out. :)

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