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Posts posted by celicagtca

  1. Yet again, someone orders a 'fresh' scent in the winter. At least I like the pattern on them :)

    Made with 4045H, 1/2 teaspoon of Fisher Trop in 3 lbs of wax, 1 oz of FO, UV inhibitor. (I was trying to keep the mottling from being completely even, and the Fisher Trop does that)


    BEAUTIFUL CANDLES!!!! Need say no more!:thumbsup:

  2. Made with OK6228. I'm mad because the top of these pillars came out the perfect shade or orange/brown and yet it doesn't show up in the picture. I worked hard to get that perfect shade too! I think my flash is too bright, but also I had on 4 overhead lights!


    Very nice looking pillars you got going there. Love your labels, they work well with the candle.

  3. I tried making a marbled candle yesterday. I also tried a rainbow pillar and made some votives. Let me know what you think. The marbled didn't turn out (I may try another one today with Candle Kitty's instructions). Please give me your honest feedback. I also took a picture of the top of the rainbow pillar as it looked neat. I'm not sure this is exactly how it is suppose to look.





    Really like the first one!

  4. From my samples I got here is how I tested and fell in love with these

    Chestnuts & Brown Sugar candles

    Girls's Night Out B&B :yay:

    Mojito Cocktail candles

    Totally Scrupmtios candles

    Spiced Apple Pecan candles

    Perfect Pear candles

    Pink Bombshell B&B


    Hi Chris,

    Never ordered from JS before and I noticed you like Pink Bombshell and Girls's Night Out. You obviously use these in B&B, but have you tried these in candles yet and what is your opinion on the hot throw. I would be incorporating these into 100 % soy and 4730. Any info would be appreciated. :)

    Thanks Chris!

  5. Okay, are those people in the background? Or manequin heads?

    Freaked me out...but HEY, cool lookin' candles.

    When I first opened it, I thought "WOW" how the heck is that candle done? Duhhhh..."coffee mug". Never even saw the heads till ya mentioned it. Had to go back and check it out. If ya stare long enough at the pic, they actually jump out at your screen. :) But now we're off topic here and I have to say... YOUR CANDLES ARE LOVELY! I really like your chunks, there beautiful.:)

  6. Made this last night, but was too wiped out to finish it off. Note the unexpected accessory to show off the candle.

    Putting together the last of the pictures for the marbled instructions. Will be posting it before the end of the afternoon.

    Love your colours and it looks very ncie. I bet it smells wonderful also. :)

  7. Have been using this wax for some time now. I always remove my pillars from the molds before I repour. Sounds funny huh!!! Poke your holes, remove the pillar, pour your repour at about 185. Pour slowly and just close enought to the edge. Then I take my finger and lightly dip it into the melted wax, close to the edge of the outside of the circle. When you drag your finger around the circumference of the circle, you will carry some of the melted wax to the edge. Don't push your finger into the wax and drag it. You just have to lightly touch your finger to the wax and carry it around the circle. If you push to hard and drag, your going to have wax drip down the pillar. Wait about 5-10 minutes and turn your candle on it's base. This way when it cures, your going to have a perfectly flat bottom, perfect for your label.

    Good Luck and Happy Pouring.

  8. I decided to play with this a bit again. Sparkly seems right for Christmas. Dang thing took me hours with all the poking and zapping to keep the air bubbles at bay. It's Sugar Plum Berries in a Christmas scene mug.


    I usually just pour, poke after the top has hardened a bit, shake the container and make sure there's no sound of liquid. Then use the heatgun on the top of the jar to fill in all the holes. Makes it a little easier in the long run.


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