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Posts posted by celicagtca

  1. These candles are a delight to the eye - absolutely beautiful. I've just ordered some palm wax and am keen to see how they turn out - any tips?

    Thanks to everybody for your compliments.


    Just remember to pour at around 193, and heat your molds, that is as long as your using aluminum or steel. :) Whether it's feathered or crystal your using, they both have beautiful appearances.

  2. Absolutely beautiful.... I think I'm going to have to try that wax!

    I'm curious... What are you putting on the bottom of your pillars? And how do you get the great embossed logo on the side?

    We have all our molds tooled and a machine that inserts the logos and then we encase a tooled ceramic based.

  3. Your candles look lovely.

    Before I made any of my palm pillars, I had researched them on the board. I kept reading that some amt of FO should be added to the candle cuz that wax has a funny odor. I take it this is not your experience? If so, out of curiosity, where are you getting your wax? I got from C'wic when they were having a sale on it.

    I'm glad to see another chandler who doesn't scent every candle they make.

    I also received mine from Candlewic but have no problem with the smell. As for the fragrance, this was an order of 75 pillars for an art gallery and they specifically stated NO FRAGRANCE. Thank you for the compliment.

  4. I've recently received a sample of Strahl & Pitschs' SP487P from a Canadian Distributor. IMHO, beautiful appearance, had to poke holes for top up, let cure a couple of days. I was using my strongest oil that I carry and I had absolutely no hot scent throw off of that wax. Wouldn't just order it based on looks. I've never experienced this Mia Bella that your all talking about, but we have a reputable candle mfg. here called Country Home Candles. Their container is a paraffin product, has a mottled look to the wax, but has a crytally appearance on the top of the jar. The scent throw is very good on their candles and I'm assuming that it's either a special blend they get produced for them or their loading in additives to get the look and the throw. Could be Mia Bellas' secret recipe also?

  5. I wish I had the choice of having a shop. If I were you, I'd jump on that offer real quick. The nice thing about that is, when your out in the shop working and dinner isn't quite ready or even attempted to be made, now you can use the excuse "Hey I worked all day and I have to cook on top of it"!! :D I look at a "SHOP" as outside of the house as a separate identity (not attached to the kitchen). That's the problem, when they come home and see anything pertaining to candles, they over look everything else that has been done during the day. They don't realize that women can multitask very well, it's in our blood!:tiptoe: Don't get me wrong, I appreciate having hubby work with me, but I'm a very clean candle manufacturer. When I make a mess, I clean it. He on the other hand works for a very big manufacturing corporation as a tool maker. Any mess that is lying around, they have a cleaning crew that picks up after them. So, the story goes, he forgets when he's making candles that he's not at his other job. Somebody has to clean it up and that somebody always ends up being me. I just can't stand having wax all over my countertop, or liquid dye spots, or even mounds of paper towels crusted with wax. No I'm not anal retentive or anything like that, I like to start fresh and clean on the next job.

    Take mine and your DH's advise and TAKE THE SHOP!! :)

  6. I finally figured it out tonight why everything was going wrong! I NEED MORE SPACE!!!! With hubby and I both doing this on top of his full time job, we're bumping into each other more in the candle room than in the bedroom lately. :D On a serious note though, it is the space. Now that he's at work, every beeswax pillar I've done tonight has turned out perfectly. I'm going to have to hide this email so he doesn't see it. :laugh2:

  7. Explain this one! Why is it when your dicking around making candles for fun, everything turns out wonderfully. When you get that big order, everything that can go wrong will go wrong!! First of all, been working for years with ivory beeswax and have never had a problem till now. Been pouring at the same temp, but now I'm getting warps in my pillars. They look like the leaning tower of Pisa. Secondly, have made tons of palm 3 pillars with colour and never had a problem. By the next day, they've faded. WHAT IS GOING ON? Has this ever happened to anybody else?

  8. Those are really pretty. Never used the "G" but now you have me thinking. Love the texture. I've been stiffed a few times and I usually hold these items till I have an open house and 9 times out of 10, they sell. You'll have no problem offloading those. Why not add a few more items like, soothers, face cloths, little socks, bath salts, New Mom magazine, etc., put some nice labels on those, basket bag it and market it to your local hospital gift shop. This may work out to your benefit. Could lead to more orders.

  9. Hey Cheryl. Nice to hear from a fellow Canuck. These are used by a big company in the States. I've emailed them but with no response. Thanks for the reply, where are ya? I'm in Dunnville

    Hi Tucker,

    Those big companies are all like that. They won't tell you a thing and if they do, I'll eat one of my candles. Oh no!!!! Better take those words back just in case. :) They are pretty nice looking though aren't they?

    I'm in Kitchener, not to far from you. :)www.serenecandles.com Ring a Bell? I spoke with you once before. :)

  10. I made these yesterday....same wax, same temp, molds cleaned with WD40 and sprayed with silicone. Heated molds slightly. Poured at 180. The three round pillars came out fine, I made 4 of the tall layers and they all stuck in the molds just a little to make them look rustic.......anyone have ideas why in the world they did this?....I haven't used these molds for a long time, that is the only thing I can think of.....but they were sooooooooo clean...I was extra careful. Donita

    Hi Donita,

    The only possible thing I could think of is that you layered your molds wanting to create a rustic effect to the squares. With the inconsistant amount of cold and heat applied to the mold could have resulted in that end result.

    I can't see it having an effect on the candle because of the age of the mold, especially if you cleaned them exactly the same as the rounds. Are both sets of molds seamless aluminum or steel? That may have an impact.

    I just made crystal palm in round molds and of course they come out with a very consistant colour and crystal effect to the finished product. When I applied the same wax, colouring, temperature and f/o to my squares, they come out with a slightly different look. I will take photos and show you the difference. My molds are all seamless aluminum that I did them in. Who knows...it may well be the square to the round????

  11. Everybody thinks the Leather is so Coooooool....but nobody buys. I thought Fig would be a good one, and I haven't sold anything since I received it. I had Campfire Smoke sitting around for a long time till I marketed it to Campers for fire starters. Grapefruit is incredible, but it burns some customers sinuses. Had customers begging for Lilac...once I got it, couldn't find those customers that wanted it.

  12. I am using candlewic palm #3. I pour at about 180. I made one candle with 8% fo and the other bout 6%. Is this too high? I have aluminum molds and I don't preheat them.

    I have poked release holes. I have even tried doing release holes then repour into them after the wax has had plenty of time to set up, and still end up with holes. This isn't that big of a deal to me because it is at the bottom only. I can live with the holes.

    I really love the looks of this wax when it is done right. I hope I can make this work. (I ordered a very large amount) Which brand do you guys use?

    Wicking has also been difficult. I am testing an LX 22 in a 3" right now and it is still too large of a flame. I don't care for RRDs in this wax. I think I may try some Eco wicks.

    So hopefully someone can spot what I am doing wrong so I make this work. Thanks:smiley2:

    180 deg. is to low for this wax. Try again and pour at 199 - 203 deg. This is manufacturers recommendations. Try pre-heating your molds also. I also use a Palm Stearic which works incredible for me. :)


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