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Posts posted by celicagtca

  1. Hi Celicagtca:

    Beautiful containers. May I ask you where you get your jars? I'm from Canada also and was wanting to use the apoth with black lids but they are unavailable til at least January :tongue2: so I was wanting to try something new. Are they much like the apoth's diameter wise?


    Izzy :smiley2:

    Hi Izzy,

    I get them from the Jar Store in the States! Not to much selection here in Canada. :undecided

  2. I really like the look of that.. very classy.. how do you do your label around the neck of the container.. Is that a custom ribbon?

    I design them myself on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper. Save them and send them via email to Staples. They print them out on a Laser printer for me. Then I do the dirty work and cut each one out with a paper cutter. Lots of work, but I'm happy with the finished product. Thanks for the compliments!

  3. Just out of curiosity...what do you charge for a pillar?

    Oh...I don't charge for them, I give them out for FREE! :grin2: Just kidding!

    3"x4" $17.00

    3"x6" $21.00

    3"x8" $25.00

    You have to take into account the cost of the wax, customs charges when I finally get the wax in Canada and the labour and materials incorporated into each pillar.

  4. NOT THAT I'M OFFENDED But, you mentioned fruity and in the next breath you mentioned my name. Whoops, I'm just kidding babe, I'm all man, that is to say my wife thinks so anyway. Of course what does she lnow, we've only just met each other 51 years ago. Smile. Keep them pix comming, look at all the response yer getting.

    ROTFLMAO :yay: Never meant it that way Tucker, I know your as straight as the wicks in your votives.:grin2:

  5. Those are beautiful! Okay....spill. What type wicks are you using? I played with crystallizing palm container wax for a while and although they were gorgeous, they drowned out every wick I put in them. They had a kicking scent throw and I still have about 10 lbs of the wax left I'd love to use. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!


    Hi Dana,

    Using RRD's

  6. :drool: :drool: :eek:

    Now explain that process with the ceramic & the little dohickey?

    Couldn't even tell you the process, that's my husbands side of the business. I'm to busy melting, pouring, getting contracts. He's the one that comes up with these nifty ideas, hands me the molds and says "Now start marketing"! :shocked2:

  7. I received Astor F from a past Secret Buddy. Finally tried it a few months ago, love the look....But had trouble with trying to color it. What I was trying went the other way. Matches great in L.R. but was trying to contrast. Afraid to burn because of comments on this wax. But I Love the Look.

    Hi Val,

    What dye were you using and what comments on burning this wax? I absolutely love the way these burn, never had a problem. Maybe I can help you. :)

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