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Posts posted by celicagtca

  1. Hi Paulette,

    Very nice...don't you just love this wax. Once question for you though. Is the ball Palm 2 (crystalizing or feathered)? Just curious as I get the same texture with Palm 3 wax. What type of wicks are you using for the votives? I've tried the smallest RRD's and found they have a very large flame. They look very pretty...you did a great job on them all. :)

  2. Basically my theory on these are: A melt with a wick with an embedded magnet. The magnet gets hot which in turn heats up the plate it's sitting on. The heat from the plate and the flame throws the aroma into the air...but not for as long as mine and everbody elses melts and tarts on this board. And ours are probably cheaper. :)

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