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Posts posted by lovelyscents

  1. Good morning craftserver friends!  I expressed the high interest in Tennessee oils and she stated that drumroll.......Maple Street is the purchaser.  I honestly had a feeling as I have seen the owner of MS state that he knew and spoke to Kim and Brent when they were going out of business.  However, was not 100% sure since a few select on here stated they tried MS for example PPW and it did not compare to Tennessee.  MS is getting a ton of new oils in the near future, so I am very anxious to try them now.  Thank you all for being patient along with me while we awaited this what seems to be wonderful news.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, justajesuschick said:

    Yes. In the online vendor wax world, it is rampant. Disney Samplers, Hello Kitty, My Little Pony...on and on! It is wrong. As a fellow online wax world vendor, it is also agitating. 

    Simply put, they are profiting off of something which does not belong to them. Setting themselves apart with something they do not have permission to use.

    There is a saying, "Do not build your home on rented land". Sadly, many are misinformed and think if they paid for a Disney, Star Wars or other pan/mold, that they paid the royalties because after all, "the mold exists" or they can find pictures on their computer that they can use that for profit. Nope.

    If any use a property owned by the very large corporation where I have been for now over 30 years, I will contact them directly and ask that they not use them. If they do not comply, my pals in our legal department will be my next stop.

    I guess because I have been in the corporate world for 3 decades, I understand business and the law. Although I am convinced many do understand but think they are simply being clever.

    Some customers were just appalled that a big company like Lush Cosmetics would send a cease and desist to an online vendor who used all their scent names. Like somehow a big company was "picking on" a small vendor. That would be like me saying I went to any of your personal Facebook pages and used pics of your kids, grandchildren or pets on my product labels or website! Somehow they see that is wrong but do not have the same understanding when it is a large company.

    As you can tell, I a VERY passionate about this subject! It is theft.  


    And I agree 210%!  The whole reason I brought it up is because I think it is getting out of control and am just very shocked it continues.

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  3. I definitely think it is unfortunate if someone gets in trouble for it because I know a lot of people just try to set themselves apart.  Especially with wax and bath items since there is so much out there now.  However, I understand that is not the way to do it.  I do not want to mention any specific vendor names, but I have seen a range of things on labels including fonts the same as popular tv series, characters, photos / screenshots from movies and tv shows, photos of scents from the FO suppliers websites and google photos of the scents they use.  I see it so commonly now that I was just very curious how they are successful doing this.  I am scared to death to even name a business something similar to a name brand or big company.  Therefore, I have no idea how they are able to do it multiple times and on everything they offer.  JMO

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  4. Just now, TallTayl said:

    Have you tried places like flexiblemolds.com?


    you could probably make one of these from silicone caulk if you find a donut you really like. 

    The one I have is from flexiblemolds and it is a smooth circle for the most part. :(  I should definitely look up how to make my own!  Thank you!!

  5. 1 hour ago, Moonstar said:

    Peak has a good birthday cake and so does RE. Ive read Flaming's + fragrance buddy's cake is good too. Have you tried many WSP oils ? I really like them.


    In bath products back when yes, in wax no, but really am looking into them now.

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  6. 7 minutes ago, Moonstar said:

    So this is helpful ..... Have a few of ICS oils you mentioned + am surprised I didn't care for them. Pie crust to me was not strong and my bottle had a slight nutty note

    in the background - didn't like that. Cookie dough seems weak to me OOB but in all fairness I didn't put in in wax since I wasn't impressed OOB.

    I love her Peach Cobbler though - not super strong but very nice in my opinion. My daughter loves her Zucchini bread and always asks for wax melts in that.

    One of these days Ill try the Indigo Fireside marshmallow . Weird how the birthday cake smells like bubblegum ??? lol ! I have pumpkin crunch cake from NG - Not 

    impressed - not bad just not for me. 

    I am so glad I am not too horrible at explaining scents, I agree the ICS pie crust is nutty, just couldnt put my finger on what it was!  Agree again with sugar cookie dough, but I just put some in a couple wax blends to let cure and will get back to you!  I hear oils cannot be judged OOB for sure!  The birthday cake is like a bubblegum or candy note, cannot put my finger on it, but definitely different from the sweeter ones from ICS and Flaming.  I cannot wait to try the birthday cake from Peak and also want to try cake batter ice cream from WSP!

  7. 6 minutes ago, Moonstar said:

    Thank you so much - I really appreciate you getting back. Regarding wax melts - Ive been pretty happy for the most part with Ecosoya Pillar and either 6006 or 4630

    i didn't care for RE wax tart/pillar. Im wondering id the vanilla ice cream Fo's basically smell like a vanilla FO ??? The vanilla buttercream crunch you mentioned 

    sounds really yummy :) 

    Thank you so much as well, I love being responded to, otherwise I feel ignored :lol:.  If you see my other post "Indigo fragrance?", you will see my dilemmas with wax.  The vanilla buttercream crunch definitely is yummy, its a vanilla cake smell with coconut shavings all in one!  The KY tart blend is 1 of many melts curing right now to test.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Moonstar said:

    Which ones do you have that you like ... what type of wax do you use ? Thanks ! Now Im ordering Jfears Summer Scoop suggestion lol !

    Oh Moonstar, I would love to be able to tell you which wax I use and like, but am still testing like mad over here.  I judged them OOB so far and have loved the following:


    Fire roasted marshmallow

    Island fresh gain


    Zucchini bread

    Mulled cider

    Vanilla buttercream crunch

    Birthday cake (still on the fence about this one) but again its just OOB

  9. 14 minutes ago, justajesuschick said:

    My tips are this:

    • I just do not judge an oil until it is in my wax. Some were as bad as I thought from the bottle/first impression, some were better and some worse! Because wax types and methods are so different, I could mail you my wax poured in the same oils you have and you might be surprised to know they were the same.
    • Start a spreadsheet (you may have one) and keep good notes when you melt or burn. Makes it easier to know which scents had better throw and longevity. Otherwise, you will never remember. Also easier to declare a winner amongst a single scent you are testing. The spreadsheet also helps you not accidentally order the same oils over and over from the same suppliers to test when you already have. 



    I really appreciate you commenting as I know you have been on this forum for a long time and I know it seems like you always are repeating yourself to newer wax people such as myself.  I have a spreadsheet that I have not used yet as I am starting all over with wax blends and have things curing.  I used to do wax years ago, but mostly used POB from NG without thinking too far into it since I did not sell it.  I did have an etsy shop years ago (I make skincare items) that was becoming a steady business for me, but I had to take time off due to family health issues.  I never tried selling wax at the time because I did not feel the NG POB was good enough (I am very particular about what I want to sell and my standards are VERY VERY high for myself).  I also do not try to take the easier route with anything, meaning the POB was essentially too easy (being premixed and not made by me) to be unique to me I guess is how I look at it.  Absolutely no harsh judgement to any that uses premade wax, if I was lucky enough for it to work for me as it works for others, I would consider it.  I do not give up when things get tough, I am the dust yourself off and try harder type of gal.  Plus I was so busy with bath and body items, I didnt focus on wax enough to research and test extensively like I am now, I just kept improving my bath items to the best they could be.  Honestly now that I have ventured into the wax addict world and wax groups, I have realized how particular and bashing of vendors these women can be even over the smallest things or things that can be straightened out just by speaking directly with the vendor.  Therefore, it is still slightly intimidating for me to think about selling wax beings those are the customers you are selling to.  I am slowly getting back into my bath and body items.  I have always been overly OBSESSED with fragrances and wax melts, so I would love to sell it just to be able to make them all the time.  Vendors are creeping up daily, so it seems like a fine line to be successful.  It also seems more difficult to stand out anymore as there is only so much you can do with wax as far as shapes, clams, chunks, loaves etc.  Then I think that there are a lot of people in the world, everyone has a different way of how they make their wax and scent blends can make you different from the rest, so I would hope the world could fit at least one more vendor (me)?  I do have a hard time believing myself when I say that sometimes after looking through the 100s of scent blends some vendors offer.  I think to myself "people love this vendors wax and she has every scent you can think of, so where would I fit in?".  I have definitely overwhelmed myself too fast though by purchasing too many waxes and oils at once.  I have 4 different waxes (2 soy / 2 paraffin), so imagine all the ways I am blending between those (2 waxes together, 3 together - 50/50, 80/20, 60/40).  Not to mention the FO % to use and different temps (getting conflicting answers with this part) due to being different with each wax, but for the most part, I thought it is pretty standard to be around 185, some say 165 is best.  I also have realized how fast wax temp can change and vary depending on where the thermometer is sitting within the wax.  This then makes me question which actual temp was used on each batch and this frustrates me to the max as I feel I cannot properly test without each thing being the same as far as temp goes.  What if I have a great wax blend, but added FO at the wrong temp making the throw or longevity seem bad when the wax is actually perfect, just not done correctly to seem so :confused:  I said I didnt like things to be too easy right?  Well, I should not have thought this way when it comes to wax haha.  After all that wax blend dilemma, do not forget that I have to test EVERY FO in each of the 14+ different blends I am testing to not only find the best throw, but also the best version of each oil.  I have over 50 melts curing and honestly do not know the best way to start testing them since there are so many at once.  I feel I may wear out my "candle nose" before I even get a dozen tested.  I am going to send a couple to family, but cannot trust them as a reliable source as they will say they are all good (which I love them for being nice), but honesty and constructive criticism is what I need in wax terms.  I think I am going to put this wax bus in reverse a bit and test each wax by itself with each oil then start blending the waxes I like the most based upon different factors.  I guess I sometimes also worry that I will find what I believe to be my perfect wax blend, but then question it depending on the oils I am using.  This is why I have taken others advice on here on which blends seem to work for the most part (this is how I determined which waxes to start with) to skip so much confusion on my end.  Do not worry, I still have myself nice and overly confused over here.  I know this is a long process for someone as particular as me and yourself Karen, so I am ready for that.  I also know the testing never ends, so this ship will keep sailing into retirement.  All I have to say is, I would be screaming in my head and tempted to fully tackle someone to the floor if they ever make a comment such as "how hard can it be, you just melt wax and add oil to it". :o

  10. Indigo order came in today!  I may not be an expert for OOB sniffing as others on here, but these are my impressions OOB:


    Cotton Candy: threw it away immediately.  It had a very weird smell overpowering it almost like a stink bomb?  I sniffed it several times putting the cap back on and smelling others in between to come back to it, still horrible. :(


    Funnel cake: still strong and true like powdered sugar and slight dough.


    PPW: strong and true to the BBW type. Very similar to Flaming version to my nose/ICS has a slight "cleaning agent" smell to it deep down IMO.


    Marshmallow fireside: strong and true to the BBW type, may be a bit stronger / deeper than Flaming version even.


    Vanilla sugar cookie dough: strong and yummy, more vanilla than ICS version.


    Pumpkin crunch cake: strong, not my favorite.  To the oils defense, I have not smelled another version to compare it to yet.


    Strawberry jam: smells like NG strawberry passion.


    Zucchini bread: nice sweet bread note.


    Sugar waffle cone: would you believe me if I told you this smells very close to birthday cake?


    Baked pie crust: smells yummy, seems more true than the ICS version.


    Birthday cake: slight bubblegum smell?


    Overall, I am happy but still unsure about their oils.  I guess getting them in wax will tell all.  All I can say honestly is that I have overwhelmed myself with buying the same scent from several companies.  It is very difficult smelling each one even with breaks in between and distinguishing which is mostly different about them.  I think one is great and then smell another that seems better, but not as good when I go back to the original and it goes on and on.  Am I smelling too deep into the oils, so I am picking up unwanted notes?   I am driving myself absolutely crazy over this.  Any helpful hints or things I should do differently to help myself out here? *shudder* 





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  11. You have no idea how pleased I am to hear you say Flaming had a good one!  They have the best shipping rates for me and I have 7 oils from them that I am VERY VERY pleased with OOB, maybe except birthday cake.  I am probably smelling it too much and now over thinking when I shouldnt :confused:  Just put a couple in wax over the weekend, just waiting on cure time.  Fingers crossed!!  

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  12. Lets add to the confusion that The Flaming Candle has "Problend 650 votive and tart wax".  Same MP, FO % load and granular form.  They claim though, it is 52 soy 48 paraffin.  Grr!  Either way, Flaming and RE/AH got good reviews on the wax and are the same price, so only shipping would be different.

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  13. I understand this is old, but figured it would help people like me that are still testing wax blends and newbies.  The KY tart wax and the JS tart & votive are the same for sure.  I think even Maple Street Silver 500 may be the same as RE/AH and JS.  The all have the same MP, suggested temp for adding FO and granulated form.  However, I am not sure how each supplier is able to market at different ratio percentages.  I heard RE/AH is 70/30, JS states 50/50 and MS claims 60/40. :confused:  They just love making it harder for us lol.  On another note, I have heard some that get excellent results and some that said it didnt make the cut to their liking.  So even if it is decent, we all still need to test, test again and test some more to find what works the best for each person.  

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  14. I also am using 3 and was wondering if I was wasting time and money if we are able to get great results with just 2 (I am doing melts).  However, some even get great results using just 1, so it is inevitable to all be the same with 1 easy, great throwing cost effective wax.  

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  15. 2 hours ago, jfear said:

    Yes, I've found Just Scent to be hit or miss; either I am totally in love with an FO or I really hate it.


    The topic of Just Scent has been raised before regarding their lack of posting negative reviews. When an FO such as the "Neapolitan Ice Cream" has zero reviews it makes me think that there were negative reviews that she just didn't post!


    They reopen on the 3rd after New Year's; I'm going to go for it and order some of the Ice Cream FOs and I will post here if they are hit or miss!

    Everything that you said is exactly what I hear from others, so I am curious to hear how your results are.  A good company would allow the good and the bad as you cannot please everyone in the world anyways especially each oil being sold to thousands and millions of people, you cannot win them all over.  If the reviews or more bad than good, as a company, I would look out for a way to improve that oil, not avoid bad reviews but thats just me.  Keep us posted!

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  16. Following this as well.  I have been wondering about her "Ice cream scoop bread".  I heard that you should check with others on her oils before you purchase large amounts as there have been a lot of misses vs hits depending on the oil.  I believe people rave about her dupes, bakery and vanilla scents though??

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