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Everything posted by Soya

  1. Cant wait to burn my newly made candles with the right wax.
  2. Update.... I added steric to the "New and Improved" Wax. I poured at 115 and found hidden holes again. This wax is going to be the death of me!! The good news is, I just made a few candles using version 1 of this wax. I noticed the wax was thicker. Did I need to add any steric or vybar to this wax? TIA
  3. Thanks for all your help Henry Okay....I am now confused!!! I originally bought the NEW version at BCS. That one is the EcoWAX Advanced CB135 (NEW). I just placed an order with Peaks for EcoSoya CB Advanced Soy. Nothing that says new. So I am getting the old version (original )?
  4. I went down from 9% to 5% and those candles where the wicks were drowning don't do that anymore. I use the ECO wicks. I have ordered a variety of FOs and they should be here on Monday. I only had one FO to test with (has vanilla in it). I also ordered steric which I think will help. I was told that using steric with this wax is a must. I have been playing with this wax for 4 months now....and refuse to give up! I also live in a hot climate and noticed my candles were starting to seep again because it is somwhat warmer now. Last month they didn't. This wax is so unpredicatable though. Sometimes I get air pockets and sometimes I don't. I think the steric might help with this as well. Henry do you think they will have the old version around for awhile? Also, I just checked. There is cb135, cbpure and cb advanced. Which ones are u talking about?
  5. I read somewhere that 5% FO is the max I can use in EcoSoya CB- Adv. Is this true? I was using around 9%. Could this be why my wicks kept drowning? Thanks!
  6. Thanks for the info! I now have a couple to pick from I saw one last night from Sweet Cakes .....anyone ever use that one? It's a little pricey though.
  7. I'm not really looking to make this a hobby. I'm more into making candles. I just need to buy a gallon of body wash base add some FO and be done with it. I appreciate your advice though
  8. Hello, My body wash doesn't last long around here. I have a teenage son who thinks more is better and is going through my expensive body wash faster than I can afford to buy it. :undecided I'd like to give him a gallon as a present. Can anyone reccommend a body wash base. Thank You
  9. Update...... Both wicks drowned out yesterday! ARRRGGGHHH!!! Could it be my FO? I've only used one type, it's a WYW scent. 3 months......not one decent candle. Just when I thought I had it.
  10. My candles are now a little more than 1/2 way down the container. The one with the eco10 now has too small of a flame and the one with the eco12 has a regular flame. I guess you really can't tell until it's all over. I think I have become addicted to flame watching....ha ha! Is that normal? Top, I know for sure for sure that the wax sets up harder with this powder. I made 4 candles, 2 with dye and two without. The ones without.... I can poke a hole with my finger. The ones with dye....is much tougher.
  11. I am using a powder dye I found at BCS. It's called Pro Powders. I will say that a little goes a long way! I added a tiny pinch to 16oz of wax...hoping to get a light grey color. My candles came out black and set up hard. It probably does have steric in it. Also, it helped with bubbles.
  12. Thanks for the info. :DI can always count on this board. You guys are great! I was leaning towards the 10 as well. Just wasn't sure. I made these combos both with and without dye. The ones with dye seem to be setting up and burning better for me. I am not using any additional additives such as steric. The dye seems to make the wax a little more solid... not as soft....which helps with seeping. I wonder if this is the same concept as dying your hair. It does make your hair feel thicker. Also, I just noticed a small mushroom on the 12 and none on the 10....so eco10 it is! WooHoo!!! I have managed to make my first burnable candle!
  13. Hello.....and Happy New Years Eve to everyone! I have wicked two 3'' round glass containers using Ecosoya CB135A with eco10 and eco12 wicks. I am having trouble figuring out which one is working best. I don't see a difference. This is my second test with this combo...and can't for the life of me figure out which one is working best. If anyone has tried this combo.....and you don't mind sharing.....what is working best for you? Thank You
  14. My wicks kept drowning because they were too big for my container.
  15. Burn test results on the 16oz apothocary jar..with 2 eco10's. BTW...I used 1.5oz of Champa FO in this candle. No additives. No Dye. Throw was light...but it was there! 2nd Burn Test... At 3 hours -reached full melt pool..a little over 1/4in At 4 hours-took care of some clinging wax from 1st burn test....pool stayed at a little over 1/4in. Can't wait to burn test tomorrow!
  16. Thanks Top....Test burning is something I did not even know how to do right. Thank the Goddess for this board.!!! I wish I did have eco6 and eco8. Have to wait to order on Monday
  17. OKay....I have been burn-testing for 4 hours....the 16oz jar with 2 eco10's....not the ECO14's. I got a FMP in 1 hour but it has been consistent with the 1/2in at 4 hours rule. So....do I put it out and wait a few hours to do my next test burn? TY
  18. OKay....so tonight I will make one and pour hot and keep it in an extra warm place to cure. I know I will get those ugly holes and lots of air bubbles.... but I will try...and I will post my findings. These wicks have to be working for someone out there. Thank you again
  19. Top...I don't get those holes anymore....by adjusting the pour temerature...shouldn't that work for him as well? That's more work to have to use a heat gun. The LX 24 is for Xtra Large conatiners 4-4.25 inches Henry you have had to go up quite a bit on ethese wicks. That is what's happening to me with the ECO's I am having to use a ECO14 for large containers in a 2.5 Jar....and it still drowns. ARGGGG!!!
  20. Thank you Henry and Rae Ann for your help. I had so many problems with holes in this wax. I no longer have these problems. I just pour at the cloudy/almost slushy stage, sometimes under 100. I add no additives or dye. My tops look great...and no holes or air bubbles at all. I will order other wicks this weeks...this drowning wick thing is driving me NUTTS!! TY
  21. OKay I took a pic... www.metroxlights.com ...this is the kind of stuff I keep getting. This 16oz container was made with 2 eco12 wicks. They all start out burning great. It's always towards the middle of the candle I get the low flame/drowning effect. Maybe I am cutting the wick too close. TY
  22. Thank you Rae Ann for tyring to help. It's the weirdest thing. One minute they're drowning another minute they decide they want to work. Originally I had problems with holes, air bubbles...etc.. but I started pouring cooler and don't have that problem anymore. I will be ordering steric this week...that might help. :smiley2:
  23. I have (2) 2.5 inch jars that I single wicked (one with an ECO12) and (one with a ECO14). I am using CBADVANCED First burns - were beautiful with both wicks. Great pool...timing...etc. Second Burn- My wicks looked like they were drowning both ECO12 and Eco14, however after a few hours they picked up fine. Is this normal? They looked like they wanted to go out, but they picked up like that, after a few hours! What can be causing this? Thank You
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