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Everything posted by donna4909

  1. My bf is always complaining that "homemade soap isn't bubbly enough", so tonight I made a batch of: 25% Lard 24% Coconut 25% Castor 25% Olive 1% Stearic Plus, I added sugar to the lye water. It's in the oven now, and I can't wait to cut this baby tomorrow. The sooz calculator listed it at 39 for bubbly lather. But now I'm out of castor oil... If this isn't bubbly enough, I think I just might wash his mouth out with it! LOL!!!
  2. I got samples of Hydrovance, Dry-Flow, and Natrasorb. I was also amazed at the generous sizes. I've only used the hydrovance so far, but I love it. Much better than glycerin, I think.
  3. Same here. I've used Vanilla Satin & Pink Sugar in lotions, and they've never turned on me.
  4. I just live about 45 minutes away from Pigeon Forge. It's a beautiful place, but it can get boring. Growing up, we went there for vacation every year. A cabin would be nice though. My boyfriend's dad works for a radio station, and he gets free promo passes, but we never seem to have the time or money to use them. Food & entertainment is so expensive over there. Oh, and Gatlinburg does have skiing.
  5. I couldn't get it. Technically, I should have been able to because yellow + blue = green green + red = brown But for some reason, it didn't quite work that way. :rolleyes2
  6. You can sub any oils, just remember that your lotion may have a different "feel" to it because oil properties differ. Some are light, some heavy, and some add "slip" like FCO.
  7. What colors would you mix to get a light tan color? I'm making some butterscotch lotion, and I have red, yellow, and blue liquid colorant available.
  8. I'd recommend Pink Sugar for a sweet scent. Everyone I know is obsessed with it, though I don't care much for it myself.
  9. It's possible, just more expensive & time consuming... You need a special gel: http://candlewic.com/store/Product.aspx?q=cclear+base,p659
  10. Did you sterilize all your equipment when you made the lotion?
  11. I'm considering getting the multibase from Nature's Garden. The base contains 1% germall plus. --- Nevermind. Figured it out. For those interested, after you mix with water these are the preservative percentages. (1) To make heavy cream, add 16 oz. water per 1 pound of cream. (0.5% preservative) (2) To make a light cream, add 32 oz. water per 1 pound of cream. (0.33% preservative) (3) To make lotion, add 48 oz. water per pound of cream. (0.25% preservative) (4) To make light lotion, add 64 oz. water per 1 pound water. (0.2% preservative) (5) To make Body Milk, add 96 oz. water per pound of cream. (0.14% preservative) (6) To make Body Mist, add 128 oz. water per 1 pound of cream. (0.1% preservative)
  12. Most preservatives you can use at 0.5% or 1%, but check to make sure this is true for yours. In that case, make a 20 oz. bathc, and you will get a more even measurement.
  13. Actually, no, thank goodness I won't. CindyM is going to be doing the packaging for me, since I chickened out & was afraid I couldn't do it alone. LOL! *many many many big hugs to Cindy!* It's like a normal scrub on the skin (creamy & scrubby), but it rinses like a lotion. Which I know it's supposed to, but I'm just not sure if I like that aspect or not. :rolleyes2 I'm not a big fan of lotion anyway though. It always seems slimey to me.
  14. MMS has it for $5.60 for 16 oz. Kangaroo Blue also has it, but it's $6.50 per pound there.
  15. I've used deer tallow. Didn't notice much of a difference between it and my regular lard recipe. I did not render it myself though. I just don't think my nose would stand up to that kinda thing. Plus I'm really lazy, so...
  16. If you're not ready for soap, I wouldn't really suggest lotion. I personally find lotion much more difficult than soap. Lotion made from scratch requires sterilized equimpent & work space, plus strict preservation since lotion can mold easily. Bath salts & bath milk are pretty easy. You can use epsom or rock salt & powdered milk from the grocery store. You can also get the baking soda for bath bombs. Just make sure you use skin safe fragrance oil. As for which suppliers to use, there's a list here: http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2485
  17. This was my first time making a scrub, so I don't know if it's technically "good" or not. I used a modified version of Bohunk's, with no butters, because I didn't have any. 10% E-wax 15% stearic acid 71% liquid oils (almost equal parts of peanut, safflower, and olive with a tiny bit of castor) 1% Cetyl Alcohol 2% FO 1% Phenonip I took this pic last night right after I made it, so it wasn't completely hardened up. The red & yellow specks are colorant. Accidently used the waterbased... Scented mango papaya. I used it last night, still don't know if I like it or not.
  18. I made some of this last night, with just what I had on hand. Very simple oils, no butter, so I had to tweak it quite a bit. The recipe I used was: 10% E-wax 15% stearic acid 71% liquid oils (almost equal parts of peanut, safflower, and olive with a tiny bit of castor) 1% Cetyl Alcohol 2% FO 1% Phenonip I'm not sure if I like it or not. I'm not used to the lotion after-effect when using a scrub. I'll be doing the "holy grail" scrub when my butters come in, so I may try this one again, but using the original recipe. Mine is somewhat like a creamy lotion paste, if that makes sense. I used salt, because I didn't have any sugar. Used a lot more than the recipe called for. I made a 20 oz batch of oils, then added 10 oz. of salt. And like an idiot, I grabbed the water based colorant, and now it has little specks of color. *lol* Doesn't look too bad though. I'll go post a pic.
  19. Where's the cheapest place to get clamshells for fish soaps? I know MMS has them, but is there anyplace else?
  20. Perfect Pear is AWESOME! It's one of my favorite FO's.
  21. Not sure about candle porn, but "soap porn" is just bare, unwrapped soap. I'm assuming candle porn is the same. Bare, with no decorations or packaging.
  22. I love the color. I've never smelled cherry almond... might have to give that one a try (as if I need more FO) :rolleyes2
  23. In their auction for the 3 lb. loaf it says: "For making a smaller loaf or a test loaf simply use blade as a divider before you line." If I had money to spare, I'd love to have the 2 lb. no liner mold. I hate liners! *lol* Too bad they don't sell them in singles.
  24. Ohh, that looks yummy! I love the swirly creamy look.
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