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Posts posted by PamR

  1. PamR thanks for responding. Is there a place where you can get a FO duped to smell stronger? Thanks!

    I think RA will dupe a fragrance, although I have never had one duped. I sent RA 2 samples to dupe & they 'lost' both samples. I've been a bit leary about sending any, but will never send my last bit of oil again, lol. Others have had great luck with RA.

    Pam R

  2. I don't think ng cuts their fragrances, they just have them manufactured to a certain price range. I use a few of their fos, but wish some of them were a bit stronger. I'm like you, I don't mind paying a bit more for super strong fos. Ng might not sell as much at a higher price, so they opt for the lower priced scents. Now I'm not saying they aren't any good, just the opposite. The ones I use are very strong! But I have tried & loved a few lately that I wish were a tad stronger. I think maybe places like Greenleaf; Aroma Haven, & Flickers' Fragrances are so strong, that I base my opinion on that. But for the price, ng has super fos!! I often thought, would it be tacky to try to have one of their fos duped to be stronger? I think it would be, lol, but I love their egyptian musk, & Ylang ginger, but could not get a decent throw with my wax.

    Pam R

  3. I've been using Ky's ky125 & blended it with a soft parafin to make my own 70/30 blend. It works very well with most fos, although I usually add 9% fo unless it is a super strong one. I'm in Texas, & the price of the wax is so good, that I don't mind the shipping. I always order at least 4 cases to get the hundredweight shipping. I've been testing the GL 70/30, & if I were to switch, that would be the one I'd switch to. I am really really trying not to like the GL, lol, cause it is almost twice the price of my soy, but it is a very good wax. I'm even testing the gl 70/30 blended with my 70/30. My thinking is that a case of the gl would go twice as far--hehe--sounds stupid doesn't it.

    Pam R

  4. Are you not making just regular pillars, why do you think it's to soft?

    I use 1343 with additives and get 120 hour burn on a 3X6 pillar.

    I do make alot of pillars, & for them the wax is fine, but I also have a line of bakery candles such as muffins & cupcakes that will collapse with the 1343. The harder wax would be ok, but leaves too much wax unless I use a rope sized wick, lol. I love the 1343 for everything else.

    Pam R

  5. I am so surprised that the selection of pillar waxes (plain parafin) are becoming so scarce! I'm in NE Texas, & all but 2 of my suppliers have discontinued carrying anything except the blends. I still have to blend my own to get the mp I want. Has anyone in Texas, Ark, Okla, Or Louisiana had wax shipped from Candlewic? I know the shipping is awful, but wondered just how awful it might be, lol. I'm getting desperate!

    Pam R

  6. finding a good orange that doesn't have a fuel smell when burning is not easy. The only one I have used without the fuel is Orange Delight at BCS. I'm sure there are others, I just quit searching when I found this one. It is a straight, sweet orange. HTH

    Pam R

  7. Thanks so much! Aromatherapy fos are not my cup of tea either, but have had several requests. I'm in Texas, but if the fos are good, I don't care where they come from, lol. You've helped me take the plunge.

    Pam R

  8. Dan & Anne are super people. I used to buy all my wax from them, but they have totally discontinued plain parafin, so I had to find a new supplier. They are about 1 hour from me, so I really hated to loose that source.

    Pam R

  9. You will save on shipping if you will order at least 4 cases at a time, that is if the supplier offers hundredweight shipping. On smaller orders, it seems it is cheaper for me to order from Wisconsin(I'm in Texas), than it does from some suppliers right here in Texas. In fact, I quit ordering from one that is only a couple hours from me cause the shipping is so high. Weird, huh?

    Pam R

  10. Are any of nature garden's aromatherapy fos any good? I have a customer requesting some for mother's day, & hate to order a whole pound, then not like it!! It would be more expensive to order the 4 or 8 ozers, but then I wouldn't be stuck with whole bottles. If you could review these I'd appreciate it. I guess I really should just try sample sizes!



    mood enhancing


    Thanks a bunch

    Pam R

  11. When I absolutely have to have a white candle, that has to stay white, like wedding candles, I use a blend of my wax with an opaque blend like Astro V. I have some wedding favors from months ago that are still bright white. Of course, this means test burning the new wax, but for me there is no other way, especially with yellowish oils.

    Pam R

  12. I've seen this debate forever! If you are striving for an 'all natural' candle, then you need to make sure your soy is organic--nothing added--before or after harvest of the beans. You mentioned that you are using only EOs, which is great, but remember the warnings for using them. Certain EOs are harmful to certain people. I assume you are using natural coloring or no coloring at all. I think an all natural candle is a neat idea, but for some reason the folks in my area hate the characteristics of 100% soy. I therefore add 20% parafin, but all I list is that it is a soy blend candle. Since I don't advertise as all natural, I could care less if I list every ingredient! I do take exception with the candles being labeled 'all natural' when they are selling 'Fudge Brownie' scented candles. As soon as the fo hits the soy, it is no longer 'all natural', that goes for the coloring also. I have seen more labels saying the wax is all natural, which is ok I guess. There's just so many ways to go about making soy candles without using scare tactics.

    Pam R

  13. It's not going to be easy getting a burgandy with food coloring, but start with the red, add blue a touch at a time. Too much blue with make it purple, & you want a deeper red. You might try a touch, & just a touch of green also, as this will tone down a too bright color. I haven't worked with food coloring much, but color theory should work with any basic colors.

    Pam R

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