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Posts posted by Terry

  1. Yes, when you said Jagger with a fat lip, I thought of him. (he's hockey and last name Jagr and my son plays ice hockey so my mind automatically went there)

    Did not even occur to me until right this second you probably meant Mick Jagger. LMAO  Soo - oops on me! HAHAHA


  2. Great questions, great answers. I am traveling the pillar road right along with you, Terry! My tester currently has a fat lip - I named it Jagger, lmbo.

    I like that OG!!  

    Ok then, I know you are feeling this too:


    I Can't Get No Satisfaction but Wild Horses Couldn't Drag Me Away :thumbsup2:

  3. Testing, yes, so much fun!!   *shudder*

    Perhaps what I will do is use the next size up on the round pillar since it is a little larger, which would be a 27 ply--don't have this on hand, will have to add to next order...  I may just redo the hex and try not to touch it (this will be hard tho!)  until I blow out at around the 4 hour mark.  Maybe it's just me... Thanks again, JCA, 

  4. The only time I hug my pillars is at the end of the burn after I blow out the flame. I hug it and then let it set up for the next burn. 

    If I had to babysit the candle more than I do (taking the correct necessary precautions around an open flame) then I would consider the test a failure and redo the wicking. 

    They look to be burning fine to me, but if you are playing with them that much, you might consider a different wick. 

    Thanks JCA. 

    Do you think I should wick up or down?

  5. Would like to know how much is too much hugging on a pillar?


    I used the 24 flat braid wick and as you can see the berry is burning faster because the mold was about 1/4" smaller in diameter. There is about 2-1/2" left on the green and 1-3/4" on the berry.  I twisted the wick 4-5 times, did not use a wick pin when making. They have been burned simultaneously during testings.

    I feel like I need to play too much with the candles while they are burning to get them to burn down evenly.  These guys have been burning about 3-1/2 hours now.  This candle was hugged about 3X this morning while burning and I have been doing this on just about all prior burns.  My concern is that a customer would probably not do this....


    What should I change if anything?




  6. I am no expert on Rustics--only made two, LOL or pillars made a few more of those--but I did put my mold in the freezer and also wet a rag, wrung it out and put that in the freezer as well for around 10 minutes or so.  Took the rag and held it around the mold to keep it cold while pouring/sloshing the wax around.  I poured approx 150.  This may not be a viable option, depending on where you make your candles!  I make mine in the kitchen for now...

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