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Scheduling delima....

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Ok, so I'm trying to nail down a date for a candle party, I'm going to have it in the rec room at my church, and just invite everyone out to come and smell everything. I'm going to put together a couple different Christmas baskets and take orders for them. Here is the dilemma.... Do I have it before Thanksgiving or after? On one hand I'm thinking I need to have it before Black Friday, while people still have money, on the other hand, they may want to hold out until after to see what the deals are and stuff. This will be my first party, and I'm lost!!

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Prepare for the worst and hope for the best LOL. All of your points are valid and either way it could work... or not LOL . But ME? I'd do it BEFORE Black Friday and take orders. Who knows, you might need to get more supplies and need to get things in, made, and cured. The longer you have to do that, the better.

Make sure you have a good many lists with products you carry, sizes, what scents are in each, yadda yadda, and that way the "lookers" can take something with them to order from IF they do choose to wait til after BF.

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Having a hostess that is organized & stays on top of inviting guests & reminding them was the most important thing to me. Which meant I had to be organized also, without being a PITA!

I'd hold the party before BF, maybe week after Halloween & definitely not the week of Thanksgiving. You might also get a few parties booked for holiday sales.

If you don't have a website I'd invest in one, they'll be asking.

Whoops I was confused, you're going to be the hostess! LOL! Just apply 1st line when you do book parties!

Edited by ChandlerWicks
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Guest OldGlory

Why not have one the 1st or 2nd weekend in Nov. AND one the 1st or 2nd weekend in Dec.? Hand out a few small portion cups as sample melts - get them excited about being able to buy again right before Christmas.

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My first thought was the 2nd week of November, our church will be in revival Nov. 3-10, so I guess I'll go with the 17th. I was just leery about having it that close to Thanksgiving, but your right, I do need plenty of time to get stuff together. I have been working on getting my website together, just have to get pictures of all my goodies and finish it up. Maybe I can do that after next weeks craft show, with my new cute labels!! And if I can pull off 1 before Christmas, I'll be doing good!

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I disagree. I held my Open House (5 years) at my house the first Sunday in December. My take home was approximately $800 - $1000 for a 4 hour open house. I had a nice array of food and it was enjoyable for everyone. I made gift baskets with parents in mind for teacher gifts and kept them under $20. Nothing I sold was over $30 and I got wiped out, with rarely anything left. I'm not sure orders are the way to go, I think cash & carry works best.

Best of luck to you.

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