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Cherry Pipe Tobacco?


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DH and I were talking about our favorite scents, not recent things or candles, but things from our life that just really take us back. He tells me his favorite smell in the whole world is cherry pipe tobacco because his Popaw smoked a pipe, and it reminded him of being little and going to play at his grandparents house. I would love to dupe this scent for him. Does anyone know of an FO or formulation for this?? TIA!!

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Guest OldGlory

I have used Santa's Pipe at WSP with good results in soy wax. It's got that slightly sweet and fruity overtone that reminds me of a pipe tobacco called Early Darkness. There was a tobacco shop in the mall where I worked 35 years ago and I would visit it just to smell this pipe tobacco.

While we're on the subject, I'd like to find a tobacco that doesn't have the sweet smell with it. Anyone with ideas?

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I am not great at mixing but the first thing that came to my mind.... and I could be way off- is....

Autumn Lodge is one of my all time favorite scents and I can really pick up the pipe tobacco in it- I use wsp

maybe mixing in a cherry in small amounts would make a similiar scent to what your looking for- I have never smelled cherry pipe tobacco but regular pipes I have and autumn lodge definitely has those notes in it- I have CS cherry but its a strong cherry like a cough drop and not sure if cherry tobacco is a sweet soft cherry or more harsh....

I have a huge bottle if you would like me to send you a sample- it is expensive at wsp but soooo worth it and the closest to Yank I can find that actually throws scent as well

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I just got an email from southern garden scents and they just released a new oil; pops pipe - the description included cherry and vanilla. I have a sample of grandpas pipe but I am at work now and can not remember where I got it from. Maybe the fragrance oil finder website might have a few listed.

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Thanks for all the suggestions, I saw on the Bittercreek website the have a suggestion for grandpas pipe that is their cherry and tobacco mixed, I think I will order 1 ouncers of each, and some other things to make it worth the shipping!! I read a review on another website that had a grandpas pipe FO that it was way off, more like a cough syrup, so I'm really hoping that doesn't happen!!

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ChrisR, have you tried the Pipe Smoke from AH? I think they came out with that a few months ago. Wondering how it compares to Sweetcakes.

People actually like/buy soap that smells like sweet tobacco? I was unsure about trying to soap the one from AH. I like it but it seemed like a bit of a strange scent for soap.

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