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Do you make scents you don't really like?


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I guess I'm weird, I can pour just about anything (meaning I like just about all the scents I've ever used) with the exception of anything that smells like burning wood. The first time I tried a campfire scent, I was thrown into such a violent migraine I had to go to the ER for a cocktail and then spent three days in bed nursing myself. A few days after the migraine had finally passed, my roommate decided to burn the candle but failed to tell me about it. So when the house began to smell like burning wood, my first thought was that the house was on fire and spent an hour combing through the place looking for smoke and just as I was about to go up into the attic, I passed by her room and that was when I caught the candle burning. She was banned from burning the candle unless she told me. It is odd though, I wasn't able to handle the initial smell of it making the candle but when she burned it, I had no issue with it - other than freaking me out.

I know that we all want to please our customers and make sure they return to us for their candle needs but in my opinion, if it's going to harm us in any way then we shouldn't produce it. The roommate begged me to add that scent to my candle line but I couldn't justify going to the ER every time I made the candle - to try and offset the expense of the hospital trip, that would be one of the world's most expensive candles. I had a couple of people ask me for that scent and after explaining to them my physical reaction to it, they were more than willing to choose a different one and I went one step further and told them where they could find that specific scent. I never lost them as a customer, they always came back to me for my products and they never had a complaint because I couldn't make one specific candle.

We want return customers, but at the price of our health? To me, it's not worth it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lovespell.....smells like vomit to me and I can't hardly stand to make it but it is still hugely popular.


I second this! I don't like it, but apparently many others do. My husband hates florals, but I love them so he and I just alternate who is making what.

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Patchouli... uggh! I have several customers who absolutely love this scent. I have to open the windows and have the main door open when I make them because the smell just destroys my nose and is awful to me. 

Patchouli is DIS-GUST-ING! ack.... it makes my stomach turn and it is so stinking (pun intended) strong that it lingers forever. In fact I just opened my cabinet and I was immediately attacked by that scent even though I havent poured it in quite some time. There are also several people that I work with that LOVE Angel perfume which is patchouli based and I can smell it even when they are on the other side of the building. I hope they run out of their perfume soon! 

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Lol... Too funny

I love and wear angel perfume all the time and I don't smell the patch in it... I love witches brew especially on a crisp fall day

But straight up patch I am not loving- have a whole 16 ounces of MW I am trying to figure out what to blend with because I won like it straight

I have poured so much grapefruit and mangosteen lately I want to vomit- hate that scent and it seems to be the only one people want for spring- I liked it when I first added it to my line but I wish I could chuck it now

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I am not a fan of Patchouli at all, but it sells so well. I also want to wretch every time I smell oakmoss. I use oakmoss in a special blend, so there is no way out of it.  I also agree about Sandalwood.  YUCK!

 I have to agree with you here! The smell of oakmoss, ew. 

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