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FOAA Meetings??


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This would never work. The first step is admitting that I have a problem and that is well, just ridiculous! haha! Not to mention that none of you enablers believe it is a problem, either.

Your right! Everyone says "Oh, well can you get ________ scent" If they only knew, I go looking for the 1 they want and end up buying 12 more!

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You know, I noticed something about shopping carts. There are many carts that don't save your items. I've had to resort to putting it in notepad and then ordering that way later on. lol I literally have two tabs open (have been for a few days now) that have FO's. Some I need and others I don't. I know I'm going to get them all and don't understand why I continue to torture myself. Someone mentioned something about enablers. FACT.

Btw, DT's? Explain please? :)

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Hello, my name is Sarah and it's been two weeks since my last fo order (had to get ewax from MMS, so just HAD to try out more fo's from there to justify the shipping, and had to take advantage of the CS sale of course!). I have bunches of sticky notes lying around with lists of ones I want to try from other places- just have to stay away from those on-line shopping carts! I'm determined to use up the sample bottles that I have- so if I get the urge to order, I go to my fo closet, open a couple, sniff, ahhh, then try to go on with my day.... one day at a time...one day at a time.... one day at a time.... :)

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I think the shipping costs is what really does it for me. If I am going to spend $12-$15 in shipping costs, then gosh darnit, I am going to get my money's worth, so I end up adding more FO's to my cart. Then I get the FO sample and then of course I need to order it in larger quantities and there the vicious cycle starts again... "well, if I am going to spend $12 - $15 in shipping costs, yada yada" and you all know what happens from there.

We all need a voice that comes out of our computer like a car alarm that says, "STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER"....

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I think the shipping costs is what really does it for me. If I am going to spend $12-$15 in shipping costs, then gosh darnit, I am going to get my money's worth, so I end up adding more FO's to my cart. Then I get the FO sample and then of course I need to order it in larger quantities and there the vicious cycle starts again... "well, if I am going to spend $12 - $15 in shipping costs, yada yada" and you all know what happens from there.

We all need a voice that comes out of our computer like a car alarm that says, "STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER"....


EXACTLY!!! I hadn't been using my local supplier, I just never was in the area, and I just didn't have time to drive 30 minutes when I can just look it up online, while in my jammies sipping coffee. WELL.... I found out 2 weeks ago they put in one of my favorite grocery stores (Sav-a-lot) about 8 blocks from the local supplier. GREAT!! Now my weekly shopping ritual includes an FO smelling session!! Great for me, not so great for DH's wallet :)

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Bahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!! I've been trying to wait on my order for two weeks now, not sure if I can hold off much longer. I haven't tried all the ones I have yet! But I totally agree, if I'm gonna pay that much in shipping may as well make it worth it :) You guys are cracking me up, thanks needed the laugh :)

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