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Interesting observation. Soy vs. Palm


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So, I went down to the basement today and unboxed old candles made 2-3 years ago. (These are all candles that were previously burned anywhere from 1/4-3/4ths of the candle). The soy ones all had a general "candle" smell to them, but the palm ones still held onto their original scent. Granted this was just me sniffing them cold and not burning them at all but I thought it an interesting observation none the less.

Has anyone else noticed that soy candles lose their specific FO scent after 2-3 years? I dont think its an important issue as far as usability or sales goes as I cant see someone holding onto a candle for 2-3 years before they burn it but I'm wondering none the less.

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Maybe its time to get my old used candle box down from the shelf and dust it off. I have partially burned paraffin, soy, parasoy, and palm candles. Will test it out. I did pull out a 2 yr old parasoy candle with a scent I knew was strong (Honey Patchouli/Elements) and burned it this past weekend. Once it got going it smelled strong but I smelled more patchouli notes than I ever did before. So either the patch in it continued to cure and get stronger to dominate the other notes or my sense of smell has changed. Whatever-- this time I burned it all the way to the bottom it smelled so good!!

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Wondering if anyone else has noticed the change in strictly soy candles? The scent has definitely changed in some partially burned ones from 2 years ago. Paraffin & palm remain the same. I think that since the soy is veggie based it may have a definite shelf-life ... now it's got me worried about my melts.....

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I have parasoy melts/candles and I did not notice any difference in their scent at all. I actually used some Chestnt & Brown Sugar melts from 3 years ago and smelled great. They were stored in my bedroom closet, so no exposure to extreme temps, etc.

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Well they weren't two years old but I have a few soy candles from last year that I made. Two had CS Pumpkin Pie FO and still smelled strong. My friend loves that smell,and bought them. The other three are Sugar Plum Berries from Peaks and they still smell strong too. I do have one candles that has Fresh Outdoors from NG is possible 1.5 years old. It still has a scent but it is very light.

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