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Jody's Soap and Things Supplier


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Have any of you ever ordered from www.soapandthings.com?

Seems to have a huge selection of FOs and supplies And the prices are very good...

BUT, the site is in chaos WHICH makes me very hesitant to order! Wrong Pictures, dead links etc.

See example here: http://www.soapandthings.com/p-120-air-freshener-linen-spray-base.aspx

Just wonder'n if she's a reputable Co!

(that's some interesting linen spray additive)

Edited by rctfavr3
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I ordered my body butter tubes from them. They packaged them in trash bags and put them in the box with no peanuts or paper to keep them from banging around inside the box. Several had minor cracks and out of 70, I ended up with 3 each of the tubes and lids that were broken. Not bad considering the packaging. I love the tubes but wish they would take the time to pack them better since they are more of a brittle type plastic. I also ordered some natural 2oz jars and was given a choice for lids and I'm very happy with them. I ordered 100 press/seal liners but apparently they were out of them and I did not receive them but they didn't charge me. So, I'm pretty happy with them other than their packing skills. And shipping was very fast.

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She has a checkered history. She has some neat stuff but her customer service is - well she's downright rude when challenged (even if something as obvious as sending the totally wrong thing) and has been known to take forever to ship.

I stopped using her at all when I TWICE found pet hair in stuff. But that was years ago so perhaps that's resolved by now.

She has a lot of sales on ebay, but has several neutrals and negatives in the past 12 months.

I'd call this one "buyer beware".

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Thank you for the reviews and comments. This confirms my suspicions. Sounds like the company is very spotty with very selective "hit or miss" quality.

On a related note, I did email her a week ago and never got a response. The lack of response was the final nail in the coffin. Oh well. On to the next supplier.

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I buy a lot of things from her and have never had a problem. Everything is packaged well, clean and no pet hairs. I did get the wrong color of malibu lids once and she immediately sent the correct ones and told me to just keep the other ones. I must order on the right phase of the moon or something.

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Three transactions with this supplier and all three were awful. The products were stinking of cigarette smoke and many were dirty. Jars were scratched and soiled. Three strikes and you are OUT in my opinion. Do a search here and read up on this woman. I only ordered again because some people here honestly raving about her. NEVER AGAIN.

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  • 6 months later...

For the most part I have been perfectly satisfied with the products and service. I know she is a one person operation and went through a divorce and a restructure over a year ago and things went smoothly after that.

Now I am back to wondering what is going on - my orders were shipping within days (says 1-3 days processing time on site) but 10 days are going by with no contact. She did answer me last month when I asked to cancel the order that was still pending - probably because I asked if she was ok. Said that everyone had bad colds.

Now same problem again, no reply to emails and the phone isn't being answered / no voicemail. I really like her products and things were going along great, I could rely on her for things I needed to get quickly - she is literally a few hours from me in IL. I guess I will have to go elsewhere now.


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