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What to charge for a baby food jar candle???

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What will the market in your area 'bear'?

In this area, I suppose due to the economy, I've seen 8oz containers drop to 6.00 in price.

How many oz are in the jars you're doing?

While I don't make candles, I do buy a TON of them..and just being honest, if I saw a small baby food jar that had a lot less wax in it than the regular size 8 oz, I don't know that I'd be inclined to pay over half the price of that bigger jar, for a small one. But THAT'S JUST ME.

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I sold some of the bigger jars about 2 years ago for 4.00 each. people paid it gladly. I had a cute label that looked like a baby food jar label and I scanned my baby picture and put that on it. I did scents like baby powder, peach cobbler (those sold the best) rice pudding - like that. they were cute. I make candles in baby food jars all the time for myself for testing scents and for camping.

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I guess for me it would depend on how many I'm making at a time, but for the 4 oz, if they're all the same, I'd probably do 3.00. BUT, I've been told many times that I should raise my prices a little. It also would depend on the market, I guess - I've seen them on etsy for more than that.

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I've done them as favors for a wedding - she ordered 100 so I only charged her $2.50 - it was an easy order - only 2 different colors and all the same scent.

I'm about to use all the scents I'm discontinuing in baby food jars just to get rid of the mass amt of jars and the scents and was thinking I would charge $3/each.

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I've done them as favors for a wedding - she ordered 100 so I only charged her $2.50 - it was an easy order - only 2 different colors and all the same scent.

I'm about to use all the scents I'm discontinuing in baby food jars just to get rid of the mass amt of jars and the scents and was thinking I would charge $3/each.

Where do you get mass amounts of baby food jars? I searched for places to buy them online last year and didn't find any distributors.

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Where do you get mass amounts of baby food jars? I searched for places to buy them online last year and didn't find any distributors.

I asked around - put out signs at local OB/GYN's, Pediatrician's - asked day care places - posted on Facebook - got people to spread the word for me and I picked up the jars from different locations.

I asked for a particular size and mostly got what I asked for. I rewashed the jars (you can soak a lot of jars in your tub) and removed the labels and spray painted the lids. I preferred to recycle the jars than buy new ones. Took a little time to gather all that I have, but once people found out about it, I had no problem getting what I needed.

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