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NG's discontinued oils


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HELP! I'm looking for reviews and dupes of these discontinued NG oils.

Anyone try them? I have a feeling they were underperformers, but am interested in hearing if any of you guys have tried them?

Aloe Vera Clay


Chipotle Salsa

Guatemalan Avocado

Tea Leaf Papaya

Any reviews of these past NG oils? The search function isn't finding any review pro or con.

The chipotle salsa sounds intriguing as does the Avocado and Clay scent. Just wonder'n.

Edited by rctfavr3
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I have a 4 or 8 oz bottle of the chipotle salsa. I took a whif out of the bottle and I do not like it at all.

You are welcome to it, seriously...free to good home LOL. PM me if you want it :)

Pm sent. I'll give it a shot. I can't pass up "free to a good home" FOs. Here's hoping it smells ok. LOL.

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Chipolte Salsa sounded great to me, but turned out to be terrible. Strong, harsh, burnt chemial like smell oob. Even tried in wax-no better. I really wanted to love this one. :(

ack! Nasty. That sounds awful! I'm still interested in trying it though. I have that desease where if you tell me NOT to press "that" button...I'll press the button. Same goes for FOs, if someone says THAT fragrance is downright horrid...well, I have to try it! Just to see. But, yeah I have a feeling I'm not going to like this one. Too bad too...sounds like it be a great blender fragrance.

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I hope to try it. I can't believe they're getting rid of the chipotle salsa. Currently you can purchase a half lb for $8. The Aloe Clay sounded good too, but haven't tried it either. With these oils currently in the bargain section of NG's site; I suspect they'll either be reformulated or discontinued (most likely the later)

Hope to try some before they dissapear completely! Some of those bargain oils deserve a reformulation. Drag Strip was always promising but was so Weak that no one, not even the diehard NASCAR fans, liked it. Sad to see some of them go.

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