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Silicone Mold Making

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Looking to start making some molds for my biz so I can save some money. Anyone who started out making their own silicone molds- did you purchase a kit? IF so, where? I have watched some videos and I have read some sites, but so confusing as to what I need to start off with. ANy advice or help would appreciated. Thanks in advance

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Smooth-On has a product called Mold Star, I use Mold Star 15. It's easy to mix half & half and no air bubbles without using a decompressor. Use PVC pipe for as many mold containers as possible. You can buy an 8' stick at plumbing supplies and cut it with a hack saw. Save the PVC container to store the mold, helps keep it's shape. Also, allows for thin wall molds. The object you are making the mold of (positive), be sure to clean it good to remove greese, oil, etc. Spray the object with a couple of coats of Rust-Oleum or Krylon clear. Spray with mold release before pouring your mold. Smooth-On has mold release in pint or quart cans, use a spray bottle rather than aresol. Less expensive. Use Plexa-Glass from Lowe's or Home Depot to make mold boxes. You can make an adjustable box using internet plans. So much to learn, the only way you are going to get is to do it. Another biggie is knowing where to cut your mold to remove your candle. Two (2) piece molds is something you will soon figure out to make. Smooth-On has some great classes if you are close to a distributor. Martha Stewart has a good video on making molds. Good luck, you will enjoy, silicone is expensive - look at Urethane for less detailed molds. I am just rambling as thoughts come to me, Best - J.Snow

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Great info, Thanks!

Smooth-On has a product called Mold Star, I use Mold Star 15. It's easy to mix half & half and no air bubbles without using a decompressor. Use PVC pipe for as many mold containers as possible. You can buy an 8' stick at plumbing supplies and cut it with a hack saw. Save the PVC container to store the mold, helps keep it's shape. Also, allows for thin wall molds. The object you are making the mold of (positive), be sure to clean it good to remove greese, oil, etc. Spray the object with a couple of coats of Rust-Oleum or Krylon clear. Spray with mold release before pouring your mold. Smooth-On has mold release in pint or quart cans, use a spray bottle rather than aresol. Less expensive. Use Plexa-Glass from Lowe's or Home Depot to make mold boxes. You can make an adjustable box using internet plans. So much to learn, the only way you are going to get is to do it. Another biggie is knowing where to cut your mold to remove your candle. Two (2) piece molds is something you will soon figure out to make. Smooth-On has some great classes if you are close to a distributor. Martha Stewart has a good video on making molds. Good luck, you will enjoy, silicone is expensive - look at Urethane for less detailed molds. I am just rambling as thoughts come to me, Best - J.Snow
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One additional matter to consider when making your own molds; it is not always the most economical to make your own. You have to consider how many candles you anticipate making with a mold. Chances are you can buy a mold cheaper than you can make it. There are molds being sold that boggles my mind as to how the seller is receiving compensation for their time and effort. Unless they have found a supply source much less expensive then mine. Save your mold supply expense and creative time by making molds of items that are unique to your area. If there is a special frog, fruit, vegetable, animal, whatever - you can make a mold of it. And you probably can't buy such a mold. Another is candles that you want to make several of at the same time. As I stated in a previous reply, mold making is addictive (fun). You have to do some serious ciphering or you wind up like me with a bunch of neat molds that made less than 6 candles. Anytime you got a question, just ask. May take a day or 3 before I answer, but I'll get back to ya. Best - J.Snow

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