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4 thermometers and NONE read the same. Please help?!

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I use my stick thermometers for 2 places so never checked to see if they are the same. Nope. 5 degrees apart. I am going to need A LOT more practice with my infrared and hubby brought in some racing thermometer of his and NOT ONE of them reads the same.

Me: Now what am I going to do? No wonder I have have been getting weird results!

Hubby: Well 5 degrees is not a big deal, that probably would not matter anyway.

Me: ARE YOU KIDDING??!! 5 degrees is a big deal!! It could be the difference between a burnt smelling wax and evaporated fragrance oil!! You cannot possibly be serious!! Would 5 pounds of pressure in your race tires NOT be a big deal as you hurl down a race track??!!

Hubby: *walks back toward garage with his fancy thermometer* Okay. Well, let me know if you want to borrow this again...

Do you have an accurate digital thermometer? Can you let me know maker and/or where to begin looking for one, please? I would greatly appreciate it!

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Commercial grade digital thermometers are usually +/- 2 degrees F, so having two that read about 5 degrees apart would not be not surprising. Stick thermometers (none scientific ones) usually have the scale printed on so they can be off a few degrees as well. Bottom line is that 5 degrees is not a big deal in this application. If you live at sea level, boil some water and see if it reads 212. If you are significantly above sea level, look below:

Feet Temp

0 212.0

500 211.1

1000 210.2

2000 208.4

2500 207.5

3000 206.6

3500 205.7

4000 204.8

4500 203.9

5000 203.0

5500 202.0

6000 201.1

6500 200.2

7000 199.3

7500 198.3

8000 197.4

8500 196.4

9000 195.5

9500 194.6

10000 193.6

Edited by rjdaines
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My favorite thermometer is my old one from Culinary School that I can CALIBRATE. Make a 50/50 mix of ice and water, stir and allow to sit for 5 minutes. Put the thermometer in and allow that to sit for 5 minutes. It should read 32-degrees F no matter your elevation. Once it's calibrated you will check it every now and then. It has a little socket nut thing under the dial that gets turned to calibrate to the right temperature. My husband gave me a cute little socket wrench to keep in my drawer.

Digital is great, but once they are off I don't think you can calibrate, you just have to compensate with "Math".

Check all your thermometers and see how they read in the ice water test, then you know who is accurate and who isn't. That is the method Chefs use because it doesn't get messed up with elevation and relative humidity (which can also change your boiling temperature).

I'm not sure how a lazer gun thermometer would work, my wax surface is usually more cool than deep in the pot.

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Here's how to check a thermometer's temperature reading either with boiling water or ice and water. It's also got the temp readings for altitude variations. http://foodsafety.unl.edu/haccp/helpful/thermcalibration

Your thermometer should be within a 2 degree variance in either direction of your target temperature.

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I was being (trying!) comical with the exchange between hubby and me. My goofiness is lost when typing! I am too detailed, for certain but wax ranks in the least of my worries!

I got a nice digital thermometer, probe attached to digital readout and another for my pot that is digital with a big readout because well, I am old!

Took off a couple of days from work and plan to play with these more than I did last weekend.

Thanks again so much!!

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I was being (trying!) comical with the exchange between hubby and me. QUOTE]

Don't worry ... most of us got it ... and I've been there too with exchanges my husband & I have had. Me with chandling and him with fishing. He couldn't understand why I wanted to get some FireWire fishing line (it's great for cutting slabs.)

Have fun with your new toys, er, "equipment." Gotta love those large numbers you can see without hunting for the glasses that you forgot where you put them. I'm old too!!!

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