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Did I get my wax too hot?


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The last couple of batches of tarts that I have made suck!!! I have been trying to get a good blend of cinnamon/clove but they just wont throw. I am using strong cinnamons and strong clove (from Peaks, Candlescience, NG, etc), but for whatever reason I can not get this blend to throw. I am also using about a 10% load. So I am wondering if it is something else. When I made these batches, I did allow my wax to heat up to about 215 in my presto. Although I didnt add my FO until the wax temp dropped back down to 185, is it possible that I overheated my wax, causing it to affect the throw? Ugghhh, frustrating!

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All I can tell you is this ... one time the temp was off on my Presto, ( off as in it was defective ) and I overheated my wax to about 220. When I did try to make melts out of that wax, I had a hot mess :( There was NO throw, hot nor cold, and they were fo's I'd been using for years.

I am not saying definitively that that is what caused yours or mine to do that, I'm just saying , I've had that happen in the exact same way.

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Thanks for the replies. I guess I had better throw out the remaining wax in my presto and start over fresh. Darn, that teaches me for being lazy and in a rush. Instead of slowly heating my wax in the presto, I just turned it to about 225 in an effort to speed up the process and didnt even think that it might affect the throw. I knew it would affect it if I added the FO that high, but didnt think much of it otherwise. I guess I will slow down and pay better attention to the next batch.

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It doesnt smell burnt, but neither batch of tarts had any hot throw and that is the only thing I did different with these batches. There isnt much left in my presto (probably less than a pound of wax) so I dont mind tossing it just to be safe.

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On mine putting the dial to the "M" keeps it around 190. I use a digital meat thermometer

that beeps when it gets to the desired temp.

This is where I am going to try moving mine. This made me giggle. I knew exactly what you meant!

I absolutely use thermometers. Dessa encouraged me and I went hardcore and got an infrared to go wit my regular thermometers.

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I have/have had several Presto pots. I found that the temperature control/guage is not accurate and that I always have to use a thermometer to be sure I'm working in the right temperature range.

Amen = about the time I think I have it set perfect it needs a little adjustment - watch it all the time

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I use a digital meat thermometer that beeps when it gets to the desired temp.

I have to use those too. If it doesn't make noise I get distracted and forget. Prestos have definite hot spots and can jack a temp up in sections in the blink of an eye.

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