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Favorite wax for all paraffin tarts/melts


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Hi! I recently started making wax melts for myself (used to use Scentsy...don't judge, I am just starting to see the light!), and the first wax I tried was KY Para-Soy, and I poured my wax into the 2 oz. portion cups. I tested my melt times and throw by using a half of melt in my warmer that is a ramekin on a candle warmer, and 1/4 of a melt in my Scentsy warmers. Of course, the ramekin/candle warmer combo could handle this size of melt, but my Scentsy warmers struggled a little. Oddly enough, I have three Scentsy warmers and they are all square...so the wax would not always melt all the way to the corers. I plan to try an even smaller piece of wax to see if that does the trick. I am not willing to put a higher watt bulb in my burners just yet because I still have some Scentsy wax that I need to burn through (pun intended ;) ), and when I melt them at a higher temp, they get a weird burned smell to me (another reason to make my own...better quality for sure)!

Anyway...I am just about done with my 5 lb bag of wax and want to try an all paraffin melt...to see how it compares, and I think I am allergic to soy :(

I have been looking around and have narrowed it down to two choices...one is the KY 133, and the other is a blend of 4625 and 4630. Has anyone on here tried both of these options? If so, can you share in input on which you liked the best? I want super duper hot throw and low enough melting point to work in my Scentsy burners. I am asking for too much? Does such a wax or blend even exist? I know the 133 has a higher melt point than the para-soy blend, so I am not sure if this would even work for me, but the granules are just oh so nice to work with and it can handle high fragrance load! Also, if my math is correct, the melting point of a 50/50 blend of 4625 and 4630 would be 135, which is even higher than the 133. Hmm...what to do? Is it possible to lower the melting point by adding more 4630 than 4625 and still have it release from my portion cup and warmer when cooled? *sigh*

Sorry to bombard you with so many questions. It is late and my mind is racing with the possibilities, and I am excited to begin my new wax melt journey! Here's to better tarts!! :yay:

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I have tried both-and tried another in between the two.

I started with KY133. It is a hard, dry wax and did not always melt a completely nor quickly in my Scentsy warmers.

I then was using 4794. I liked it better than KY133.

After reading and reading here and with the help of a wonderful person here, I have settles on the 4625/4630 blend.

The 4630 is a VERY creamy, buttery wax. I literally can cut it with a table knife. I think adding this is what helps mine melt so nicely.

Scentsy is a bit secretive about their wax. The best I could ever find is that they use a wax comprised of vegetable oil. I will say that I never smelled raw wax like I sometimes can with mine.

I have not had to change out my bulbs in Scentsy warmers to get any of the IGI waxes I mention here melted.

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Scentsy warmers really aren't the best. I really prefer the warmers that have a hot plate and a dish on top of that, not the bulb ones. I don't have problems with wax melting in those but my scentsy ones occasionally won't melt ANY wax.

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I use, and like, a combination of warmers. The Scentsy ones are so attractive and feel much more sturdy and well made than the cheaper ones I have gotten.

I have 4 warmers. 2 Scentsy and 2 CandleWarmers combo/plate warmers. That way, I have 2 that get really hot and 2 that do not. Scent is evident really quickly in 2 but lasts longer in the other 2. Works well for testing new melts, too. Some are better in one style than another. Best of both worlds for me!

What warmers do you prefer?

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I have tried both-and tried another in between the two.

I started with KY133. It is a hard, dry wax and did not always melt a completely nor quickly in my Scentsy warmers.

I then was using 4794. I liked it better than KY133.

After reading and reading here and with the help of a wonderful person here, I have settles on the 4625/4630 blend.

The 4630 is a VERY creamy, buttery wax. I literally can cut it with a table knife. I think adding this is what helps mine melt so nicely.

Scentsy is a bit secretive about their wax. The best I could ever find is that they use a wax comprised of vegetable oil. I will say that I never smelled raw wax like I sometimes can with mine.

I have not had to change out my bulbs in Scentsy warmers to get any of the IGI waxes I mention here melted.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience about the waxes I am thinking about! I am so glad that the combo works for you...that gives me hope that I will figure this out!

Do you mind if I ask what fragrance load you are able to achieve with your 4625/4630 blend (50/50?)? Also, what kind of hot throw do you get with this wax blend in your Scentsy warmers? I am definitely looking to achieve the best hot throw that I can with the warmers that I already have. Also, I do want to be able to make tarts and give them as gifts to friends and family, and lets face it, I live in Idaho - the birthplace of Scentsy, so EVERYONE here has a Scentsy warmer or two or three! I know they are not the best warmers because they don't get very hot, but that is one of the draws for me...safer if I ever happen to spill the wax on me (keeping my fingers crossed that this never happens)! I have never had an issue with the hot throw in my ramekin/candle warmer combo (very similar to the hot plate type warmers mentioned), but it does tend to burn the scent off too quickly for my liking. It does, however, give a great burst of scent if I have a last minute drop by visitor. I can usually put a tart in there and have the room filled with scent within 5 minutes.

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I have a pretty nice system so far but I will continue testing because I want the most oil the wax will hold because like you I make for myself and give away to others (rather than watching profit margin). I am doing a one day show at my corporation and then will be back to just doing it for fun and for me!

Yes, for now I do use a 50/50 mix of the two waxes. I know some prefer 75% of 4625 and 25% of 4630.

I add oil at 10% of wax weight, so 1 ounce of oil (just for easy math sake) for 10 ounces of wax. Or, 1.6 ounces of oil for a pound of wax and so on.

Mine melt EVERY time in my Scentsy warmers. That is why I like having 2 of each style. Lightbulb style does not get as hot and the scent lasts longer but is not as strong. The combo/plate warmers get hotter and I get that burst of scent but it can smell like hot wax a bit too soon.

I feel as if I have learned a ton here (thanks to the few posters who are willing to help me), what I have read and researched and also through a lot of trial and error. I know I still have FAR more to learn than what I have already.

Because others have been so kind to help me, I am happy to share what I have learned and experienced (knowing that I do not know it all!). Feel free to PM me if you'd like.

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I also use a blend of 4625/4630 (50/50 ratio) and I load up on the FO. I make tarts in small batches. I use 8oz of wax and .90 oz of FO, so what does that come out to - probably around 11% or so (sorry too tired to do the math right now). Right now I have 7 warmers; 4 are the electric hot plate/dish combo and 3 are the Walmart style with the light bulb/dish. I personally prefer the electric hot plate style but the bulb style works well too - I switched the light bulbs to the 40 watt bulb. My tarts are made in the silicone molds and they hold their shape nicely. I have used them in the Sc***sy style warmer with the 25 watt bulb. They do melt but in my opinion the throw just doesnt compare to the throw when using the 40 watt bulb, so it is my preference to switch my bulbs. Oh and this is just a hobby for me as well (not a business). Hope that helps!!!

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justajesuschick and megandgarr - Thank you so much for sharing your info with me! It is extremely helpful and encouraging to hear about your success! This gives me a great place to start my paraffin wax testing journey!

I love hearing that you are both able to use 10%+ fragrance load! :yay: That was what I was hoping for, but not sure if it was possible if I mixed the two waxes together. I know that sometimes less in more, but I prefer to pack it in, see how it does and adjust from there. :grin2:

Speaking of warmers, I was just thinking about my bulb warmers, and decided that I may try changing out the bulb in my warmer that I keep in my living room. It has vaulted ceilings and we have an open staircase and hallway and I have a hard time scenting that room. I wonder if the 40 watt bulb will help with the throw in that room. Hmmm....I will try it out and report! If it works great, I still have two other warmers with low watt bulbs that I can use my leftover Scenty bars in.

I love how friendly and helpful you all are on this board! I do hope to pay it forward somehow!

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justajesuschick and megandgarr - Thank you so much for sharing your info with me! It is extremely helpful and encouraging to hear about your success! This gives me a great place to start my paraffin wax testing journey!

I love hearing that you are both able to use 10%+ fragrance load! :yay: That was what I was hoping for, but not sure if it was possible if I mixed the two waxes together. I know that sometimes less in more, but I prefer to pack it in, see how it does and adjust from there. :grin2:

Speaking of warmers, I was just thinking about my bulb warmers, and decided that I may try changing out the bulb in my warmer that I keep in my living room. It has vaulted ceilings and we have an open staircase and hallway and I have a hard time scenting that room. I wonder if the 40 watt bulb will help with the throw in that room. Hmmm....I will try it out and report! If it works great, I still have two other warmers with low watt bulbs that I can use my leftover Scenty bars in.

I love how friendly and helpful you all are on this board! I do hope to pay it forward somehow!

I am trying my best to pay it forward, myself.

Megandgarr has spent an inordinate amount of time helping me and answering all of my questions selflessly and transparently. Certainly everyone may have different results but there is no reason for me not to share what works for me or what I have tried and not done as well with. You can choose to try those thing or not. At least it is a place to start.

Feel free to ask and ask. A few of us will answer! Share your successes. I can learn as much from your experiments as well as mine!

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I am trying my best to pay it forward, myself.

Megandgarr has spent an inordinate amount of time helping me and answering all of my questions selflessly and transparently. Certainly everyone may have different results but there is no reason for me not to share what works for me or what I have tried and not done as well with. You can choose to try those thing or not. At least it is a place to start.

Feel free to ask and ask. A few of us will answer! Share your successes. I can learn as much from your experiments as well as mine!

Thanks so much for the kind words! I really hope some of my suggestions have helped. I am sure not everything will work for you, but like you said, at least it is a place to start and you can tweak it to your taste (or smell, haha). I hope your craft fair is super succesful and who knows, maybe it will lead to more craft fairs. And if it doesnt at least your house will smell awesome for a long time to come!


I have only had a problem with seapage at the 10-11% load on occasion - usually when I add the oil when it drops below 185. If I stay consistent and add my oil when the wax is 185, it blends very well.

Definitely give the 40 watt bulb a try. That made such a difference for me and I have the vaulted ceilings as well.


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Thanks for the heads up about the temperature. I was just wondering what temp I should add my FO since both of the waxes have different working temps (according to Peak's website)...but not by much!

Ah...vaulted ceilings...makes the room look so large and open, but such a pain to scent! I am glad to hear that the 40 watt helps with that. I purchase a pack of bulbs a long time ago, but have not used them yet. They've got to be around here somewhere...!

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I've noticed (over years of doing melts) that the season has a lot to do with throw. During the summer, with the air conditioning on, the hotter warmers(larger wattage) will seem to throw more scent. But when the room is warmer the lower wattage will throw just fine. So a 40 watt may seem to fragrance an area for a long time during the summer --- but --- the melt "life" may seem shorter in the winter.

Hope that makes sense.

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If you want a really strong throw, use a tealight burner. That is the strongest scent that you will get. It is much hotter. If you use an electric burner, you will get a stronger throw with a higher watt bulb, but not as strong as the tealight. If you use a lower watt bulb, your throw will not be as strong, but it will last longer. The stronger the throw, the shorter the time it will last. There is only so much fragrance that a tart or clamshell can hold without leaking oil. The fragrance diffuses into the air. Either a lot diffuses quickly wth high heat, or a little diffuses slowly with low heat. It really is scientific.

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