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Starting over - Again

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So, quite a few years ago I used to make and sell candles - jars, some pillars, and votives. Due to some personal issues I gave it up, with the full intention of starting back up.

And here I am, 7 years later. After some life changing events, I decided that "hey, I liked doing this and I need a creative outlet again." So, I am moving my work station from a cramped kitchen to an unused bedroom and am about 75% complete with the move.

I've called my supplier (Early American Candle (http://earlyamericancandlesupplies.com/), which is local to me so I don't have to worry about shipping), and found out that they don't carry any of the waxes I used to use (6006, Palm Pillar (PQ?), V) and only sell Soy/Soy blends. I know the technology in the soy has improved significantly, so I'm willing to give it a shot, but am a little disheartened that I will need to start, basically, from scratch on EVERYTHING. From the specs, I like the sound of the Xcel, but have also read some... mixed reviews of it, making it necessary to blend, etc. I'm also not confident on the Pillar blends available through him either. Since I'm starting out from scratch again, I'm thinking I'm going to "do it right" this time, and start small, perfect a few different sized glasses, votives, and clammies, and save Pillars for later when I can afford (in both time and money) proper testing/experimenting.

My equipment consists of 2 prestos, 3 pour pots, digital scale (with Tare AND "Bakers Math", which sounds AMAZING!), all the minor stuff (stirring spoon, thermometer, heat gun, etc etc etc). I'm thinking of adding a presto (without a tap) to keep a constant temp of water to use as a tool to maintain pour temp (if I can't pour a whole pot at once, and for cleaning - anyone do this?). Also will be "repurposing" a griddle for warming containers pre-pour.

So... not sure what I'm really looking for with this post, but are there any words of encouragement and/or pointers anyone can offer?


~ Joe

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Hey Joe and welcome back to the circus !

I'm sort of in the boat of having to start all over. The difference being, I will be using the same waxes, etc... but I no longer have a supplier that carries "my stuff" anywhere near me, so I'm going to be having to do a lot of shipping costs (breaks out in hives ).

While I don't do candles, it does sound like you've gotten a really great start on getting your "cooking utensils" (lol ) up and ready ! I think that is a lot of the battle when you're like us, and starting all over from scratch again. I have a feeling that no matter how well I try to plan and gather up in advance, I'm probably going to forget something major LOL.

What's the " Bakers Math" on the scales? Mine has the tare and I love it, but never heard of Baker's Math.

I want to commend you on braving the whole " going with totally new waxes". That has to be kinda scary! I have faith in you and am looking forward to hearing about all the ups and downs during your testing. While I might not do candles, I do enjoy learning as much about them as I can absorb so if I ever do get the guts up , I'll at least know a teeny tiny bit on where to start.

Good luck sweetie and keep us posted on how it goes !

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I can do you one better: http://www.amazon.com/My-Weigh-KD-8000-Bakers-Scale/dp/B001NE0FU2/ref=sr_1_1?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1343852426&sr=1-1&keywords=My+Weigh+KD-8000+%22Baker%27s+Math%22+Scale Reading through the reviews really sold me on it. Was a tad more expensive than i wanted to spend, but at $38.80 with free shipping, wasn't HORRIBLE...

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I've read that it is pretty accurate - people calibrate it after x months with specialized weights, however I would assume that is for the weight portion and not necessarily for the percentages (though, that would be a simple calculation based on the weight, so I would assume if the weight is right, the percentage would be accurate as well). Will most certainly put her through the paces and report back on it :)

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I ALSO am starting over after a almost 3 year hiatus (gave to birth to 2 sons in that time period :) 2 year old and almost 3 weeks old!) So, now I am back at it again, I can't believe how prices went up! Definitely let us know how the scale is, sounds like something I need to check out!

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"Baker's Math" can easily be done in your head if you just convert to grams. Instead of a one pound batch make 500 grams, instead of a two pound batch make 1000 grams. Most digital scales these days switch over to grams easily.

I can do baker's math in my head easily, and I can switch back and forth between ounces and grams easily in my head, and I know the rough weight of almost any ingredient in an 8-ounce measuring cup. But, hey, I'm a Baker.........and a bit of a freak. :P

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