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Well, now I've gone and done it! Committed to a show. Oh, dear!

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I work for a very large corporation. A very creative large corporation.

Well, 2 years ago, they offered the opportunity to have employees FREE OF CHARGE sell stuff they make (we have hundreds of artists here).

I have been bringing in my wax melts for co-workers who I could talk into a getting plate melter. They have really liked them. Some co-workers who participate in the event encouraged me to email the lady who coordinates it and ask if by chance anyone backed out who initially committed.

She messaged me right back and said the timing was perfect. The tent company called to say that she could have more tents. Later I get to choose layout and tables.

So, I get a free tent, table, chairs, advertising and they even provide us bottled water and nice boxed lunches. It is on a Saturday only, late September just from 10-5. Just bring your stuff and set it up. I do not make enough to ever pay for booth space so this will just be fun and pay for my supplies and new stuff that I will need to buy.

I plan to offer just 12 scents. I'll be able to melt and enjoy what does not sell. My plan is to use little 4 oz. Mason jars as testers/sniff jars. I have a bunch of wire locker baskets that I plan to use to hold the bags.

I found some cheaper labels than what I had been buying. A couple of artists want to make me a "logo" so I quickly came up with a company name.

Guess that I will be buying a Presto pot. Glad that I have 2 full months to prepare. I have started a spreadsheet of things to decide, make or buy!

Any tips you can offer this rookie?

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You should probably sign up for a credit card account so you can accept payments via credit or debit card. I know Intuit Go payment and 4 square both have apps you can use on your smart phone and they send you a free card swiper. I am sure there are others as well.

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I work for a very large corporation. A very creative large corporation.

Well, 2 years ago, they offered the opportunity to have employees FREE OF CHARGE sell stuff they make (we have hundreds of artists here).

I have been bringing in my wax melts for co-workers who I could talk into a getting plate melter. They have really liked them. Some co-workers who participate in the event encouraged me to email the lady who coordinates it and ask if by chance anyone backed out who initially committed.

She messaged me right back and said the timing was perfect. The tent company called to say that she could have more tents. Later I get to choose layout and tables.

So, I get a free tent, table, chairs, advertising and they even provide us bottled water and nice boxed lunches. It is on a Saturday only, late September just from 10-5. Just bring your stuff and set it up. I do not make enough to ever pay for booth space so this will just be fun and pay for my supplies and new stuff that I will need to buy.

I plan to offer just 12 scents. I'll be able to melt and enjoy what does not sell. My plan is to use little 4 oz. Mason jars as testers/sniff jars. I have a bunch of wire locker baskets that I plan to use to hold the bags.

I found some cheaper labels than what I had been buying. A couple of artists want to make me a "logo" so I quickly came up with a company name.

Guess that I will be buying a Presto pot. Glad that I have 2 full months to prepare. I have started a spreadsheet of things to decide, make or buy!

Any tips you can offer this rookie?

Awesome opportunity ! I know you are going to use baskets for your product, so that would work well with stair step levels so it's easy to see everything. Also, be sure to have some business cards with your contact info (can sometimes get free from Vista Print for the cost of shipping), and a handout with your contact info and your scent list. Don't forget to have fun.

Edited by scifichik
Silly typo
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I usually take 100.00 in change, 10's, 5's & plenty of ones. I suggest going fall scents (pumpkins, cinnamons, apple, vanilla). If you are just making tarts take several lbs of each scent. I use the peel & stick 3x4 bags from unique packaging (ebay store). They are big enough to hold a standard size tart easy to undo & sniff & stick back.

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Thanks for the tips!

My company is first class. I have been there 26 years and my hubby 28. I guarantee that you have received our product and very likely have purchased our product for people who you care for and about.

I am having fun planning the booth space! A painted window "sign" that I made years ago, a quilt for the tablecloth, bait buckets for my dollar packs (the way to get rid of scents everyone else likes but I do not), labels and to see the logo my co-worker is making this weekend.

I do not have a business nor tax I.D. number and as a result I do not have business insurance. I will call my insurance agent (my best friend) and see if our million dollar umbrella policy would cover anything that would arise from an incident involving my wax.

We'd love to have you come work with us, Darbla. I love the company (family owned and privately held) and products. It would require you to move to Kansas City, though! haha!

Thanks again. I really appreciate your willingness to be open and honest to help me.

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Hey Girl,

If you have access to electricity, lighting will definitely draw folks to your table....I love the little white Christmas lights and Walmart has some nice spot lights that you can clamp onto your table/crates. If you have crates, they make an awesome display and you can add more product space by having them.ac1natural.jpg It also puts your products at eye level of the customer which is the level you want to draw your customers over. I bought apple crates so that I could lace the small Christmas lights around them and to add light through the holes in them. I purchased 3 like the one pictured above in the natural and then coated them with polyurethane. I stacked them on top of each other and secured them by taking shipping tape and running 3 strips of it the whole length of all 3 stacked together. The tape is invisible so no one notices it. You can use burlap or other material bought at JoAnn's,etc to use with your crates to add softness to the hard wood look. Another thing you can do with the crates that will draw people over is to place something pretty on TOP of the top crate that people in a crowd will see. Adding height is a good thing. I bought mine from www.specwood.com Engage your customers...ask them what scents they like, what products do they like to buy for scent, is there anything that they are looking for to scent their homes. You can get tons of ideas from asking your customers questions and customers love to feel that you care about them and what they need. Smile, tell them what is great about your product and when they are leaving tell them to have a great day! People LOVE positivity and will be drawn to you!! Have a wonderful time and hope you sell TONS!!! :thumbsup:

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Hey there Michele!!! :smiley2:

Thanks for being so sweet!!! I truly enjoy helping other people if I can !!! We all need to help each other to be successful!!! It is a GOOD thing!! I bought my crates from www.specwood.com but if you do a search, there are other display companies that sell them. The ones I got are heavy which is what I wanted so that they could stand up to being used. You can clamp the Walmart spot lights (get the ones with the adjustable goose neck so that you can adjust into whatever position you want your light) onto your table or on the sides of the crates. :) Check your pm here in a minute. :grin2:

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I LOVE the crates!!

I also understand that while people have been incredibly kind here, information I get will be limited since most of you have businesses. I have been reading past posts and searching things here to oblivion. I am grateful for any tips and experience that I have received. VERY much!

This show is the last Saturday in September and is outside in our beautiful corporate square. I believe that I will NOT have electricity. I get the electronic form soon where I will choose round, 10' or two 5' tables, how many chairs, what kind of help I might need, lunch choice and more. I will learn more then. They will have tax forms for us at our booth when we arrive.

This is why I am doing this. Everything is provided, it is small and I will be alongside co-workers and selling (if I even sell a single bag!) to co-workers and their families. I cannot see myself doing other shows. I just make melts. Not enough to make a profit if I had hotel, booth fees, etc.

My company cares about our employees and does so much for our community. I am grateful to get to work there and feel fortunate and excited just to get to participate this little show!

Thanks again for the tips, willingness to help me at the expense of all your hard work and the encouragement!

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