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A while back I received a order from a customer.Supid me sent it on and didn't check if I received payment from Pay Pal.Well she got a nice order and it was candles.She paid nothing.Then 4-5 more times I get the same person trying to order but no money was sent to Pay Pal.I sent her a email the second time.No response. Still a few more orders came through no payment.I decided at the point to not answer. A few days ago I finally get payment for a order of tarts.Free shipping.I sent them within a couple days. I get a email from her saying all the tarts are a msss and 2 tarts smell terrible. She wants her money back.No problem.She will mail the tarts back also but of course I pay shipping.It was free for her.

She said the order was a mess with 2 bags(the white bags you pack potpourri and soap in).There were 12 tarts in each bag. She said they were OPENED.Impossible on my end.Why would I send opened bags.They were the bags you clasp.I like them.Have the small window where you can see the product. They were snug in that bag.Laid down with newspapers stuffed in the box. Nothing would move.

I send orders of 60 packs of tarts to one lady in MO.She's never said any tarts in my package are broken.Hers are mailed and put in a brown bag when she orders 12 of one scent.She orders that many or more annually. Never a problem.Other customers also have no problems with broken tarts and any big mess from shipping. No one has said my tarts smell bad.

Smaller orders I send with a padded brown envelope.No breaking.These were sent in a Medium Flat Rate box. I send all the time in those flat rate.Only had a few candles broken with one customer.In fact my one customer whose ordered for 4 years(over 150 candles at once) said Absolutley no problems with breakage. I use a hard wax.Palm wax not 100% soy.I want them to just fall out of the burner and the customer doesn't have to dig them out of the burner.

No problem getting the tarts back. I will pay shipping.What would some of you do and have any of you had a customer who ordered over and over and didn't pay???Finally pays and order is bad. I have all these orders on my website. I never delete.

Oh and the nice candle order I sent her was fine.Never any complaint and it was sent Flat Rate USPS and free because I was stupid.That's why I check all the time now.


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I have had customers order and not pay. Sometimes people order and change their minds. But I have never EVER shipped anything that was not paid in full. This woman is obviously trying to take you for a ride. I am sorry that you are having to deal with the likes of someone like this. I would have never sent her anything in the first place after she paid for the next order, but not the first. Am I understanding this correctly? Why would you ship her another order if the first one was still not paid for?

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If I am understanding correctly... When you get the "bad" order back I would send her tHe invoices you kept of NO payment on the product you did send her and tell her you will consider it even and to NEVER to try and order from you again. Period.

People like that are not worth the time and energy to try and please - you will lose money no matter what you do- our business's are all customer service related and the handful that are scam artists or trying to low ball every service or product we have I tell them to take a hike and go find the business that WILL accommodate them- we work to Dam hard to even try and deal with idiots like that!

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Thank You both

Moonshine.I will tell her I sent a order.She knows.I believe I have ALL my emails.I am a hoarder when it comes to emails and esp my candle business.

I tried to give the money back.I want done with this bull.This time when she ordered payment was in my Pay Pal.BUT when I tried to send the money back I got from Pay Pal"This recipient is currently unable to receive money".Well just 4 days ago I got her payment.Now I can't send it back for damaged goods.I told her to send the damaged goods back and I will reimburse with a MO(I can't send it back from my pay pal so MO is the only way).I won't send a check . Don't think she will accept one and I can't do it through Pay Pay.Blocked for some reason.FISHY

So my reply back from her when I said "Send all back and I will reimburse for shipping and for the damaged goods" and will send her a refund after I see the damaged goods.She said "Some of the product went to the garbage".That was her reply. She is mad and decided she will not order from me and she will tell her friends not to anymore.Funny I have never received orders from her area and my other customers are great people. I get nothing but brags on our products. Like I mentioned I said I will send MO.She said I dont want to wait weeks for it.She wouldn't.I will mail her the refund asap.If she sends me the stuff back I will reimburse. Just strange me not being able to reimburse her 4 days I recieved payment from her.

I have all her orders on my website.Of course the first one went out by my mistake and I believe may have the email for the second one where I told her no payment was recieved. I was ignored.Then after that 5 more times it came through.I got payment.Other time no payments so I ignored her.

Something going on with her she wants the money back soon.I can send it back within 4 days if she sends the order to me in 2 days and I send her refund in 2 days.She told me it would be weeks and forget it.She will make sure her friends never order.I guess I will tell her I'm sorry your friends will be told that but we have customers and all have been very very pleased.This is the first complaint.I asked for all back and she says NO.It's because she she wants money back Now!!! She In the beginning she said she will send back the order. Now changed her mind.I'm going to tell her I'm not able to send payment through pay pal.Let her know I tried and why she would have to accept a MO.

Trust me this is crazy.I am tired of it all.I've been told to send NOTHING back to her.Something is wrong here. Going to ask her WHY I can't send payment back and why the response I get from her.She has no idea I tried to pay her back and wasn't able.

She is now becoming intimidating.


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Noodle.I guess I'm a honest person.I know I was taken but the next chance she paid.Looking back all the times she tried over and over to get through and also another order I shouldn't have accepted payment and mailed the goods. I can't send payment back.Something makes me think she is doing others the same and now CAUGHT.Why else can't she receive money through Pay Pal.


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She may not be able to receive payments because she is using someone else's account unethically and was busted. Accounts on paypal can be blocked if the true account holder suspends the account. The woman is clearly a crook.

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Noodle.We're really dumb on all this. It all happened in just 4 days.Get order and payment.Send order in 2 days.She receives it in 2 days then sends a urgent email. First one came through and then the next one just 2 hours later saying Something to the effect as Urgent.Check the email I sent to so and so.Open the email and she is very UPSET!!!!

She said damaged order will be sent back.OK do that. Then next email all order can't be sent back.Some went to the trash. MO order will take weeks and you are loosing me and my friends as customers.I will tell all not to order from you now. I will mail the damaged goods( what she didn't put in the garbage and she's OK with MO) since I told her I can't send through Pay Pal.

We want to make sure she gets the MO. Don't want it to come back she didn't receive it.Sending cert letter asking her to sign for it. It will be done as soon as the damaged goods reach us.


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I would not send her anything..i would tell her not to bother buying or emailing any more. If she cannot send the whole order back, to bad for her..

Do you have policies to deal with this kind of thing? My policies state money will be refunded the day I get the item back. It has never happened, touch wood..

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I am not understanding why you are so worried about getting her a refund when you state she ordered without paying before- all u need to do is give her the finger and be done with it

Who cares what she says And why are you do concerned about a money order- she doesn't even have all the product to send back! Send her the copy Of the UNPAID stuff she got if you really feel you need to send her anything

Edited by moonshine
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all u need to do is give her the finger and be done with it

Exactly. The energy being put forth into this woman just makes no sense to me. Who cares if she buys again? I wouldn't sell to her in the future anyway. I would block her email address and be done with it. A decent customer deserves decent treatment. Even pain in the neck customers who are honest deserve good treatment. This woman is neither. Write her off and move on.

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She was off my list in the beginning. To many times she tried to order. She stated she wouldn't order again but I would never sell her anything again. I have a long list of reasons on my website.Orders that never reached billing or were paid. I brought that up to her.

I'll wait for the itty bitty pieces.

If I ever send money back it won't be right away. She will need to remind me.I'm busy!!!!! She'll also have to make the trip to pick up refund and sign for it.

Mailed a order of tarts to another customer in a large brown padded envelope the same day.Not one broken but the tart order in a shipping box was the messy order.Figure that.


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