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Selling mosquito repellent


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Insect repellants are classified as a drug by the FDA. If you have been certified by the FDA for your product, then yes you can market it as such. If not, then no, it is not legal to market or sell any concoction with an intended use as an insect repellant.


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So can I label it differently to be able to sell it?

It seems like some on here sell something of the sort. All natural product to ward off bugs.


Not exactly. If the intent is to ward off insects, than no label will cover your butt legally. Others illegally selling something doesn't make it right. They don't pay your fines, you don't pay theirs.

Think of the potential risk this way: someone purchases your item with the intent (labeled as such or not) to repel mosquitoes that carry West Nile Virus and/or ticks carrying Lyme Disease. Someone is bitten by one and/or the other and develops an illness. In the eyes of the law YOU are liable since your product was sold with the intention of preventing the diseases through use of the repellant product.

Go ahead and make it for yourself, but why risk other people's health and safety when you don't have to (and shouldn't according to the FDA)?

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