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Adam's Wholesale Soap?

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I would like to start selling CP soap but don't want to have to wait until I perfect my CP soap making skills. I don't feel comfortable selling the soap while in the process of learning how to make it. In the interim I thought about buying wholesale CP soap loaves, cutting them up, and selling them. I ran across a website called Natural Soap Wholesale (they also have another website called Adams Wholesale Soap) and thought about ordering some of their CP soap to sell.

Has anyone had any experience with this company? Are there any companies you would recommend that sell CP soap wholesale? I'm only interested in selling someone else's CP soap until I'm comfortable enough selling with what I make.

Thank you!

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Classic, I've had that same idea for a while now but just never acted on it. Unfortunately I can't offer you any help on your exact question, but here's one thing I did think of a while back.

I have been a member on the BCN board for quite a few years, and now on this one. I have found out there are quite a few ( at least on BCN but haven't asked yet from here but I'm sure there are ) that wholesale loaves out. When I get to a place I can order the loaves, I think I'm going to ask on here and find out which soapers that I love their soaps and are close to me, and go with them instead of trying to get something from a company or person I don't know anything about.

Having said that, this person you are talking about might be on this board! That would be awesome in my opinion !! Hopefully you'll get some feedback on the soaps they sell.

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Thanks BTA. Staying loyal to the board is a great idea!

So, is there anyone on this board that makes CP soap, who is willing to wholesale loaves, at least for a little while, and is willing to either give me or sell me some samples of what they make (I don't mind paying a reasonable price)? Or, if I gave you a recipe, would you be willing to make it? So as to not start any wars with anyone on the board would you mind PM'ing me with your answer as well as what types of soap you're willing to offer/make? I'm interested in moisturizing soaps that have good lather, as well as exfoliating soaps, preferably with fine walnut shell powder or oatmeal and about 5 oz each, or thereabouts. We can get into more details in the PM.

Also, if this isn't the proper place to post this would the mods please move it to where it should be?


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Are you selling M&P? You could continue to sell M&P until you can start selling your CP.

Here are a couple of CP soap suggestions: Miller's soap at www.millersoap.com. They have ready made soap for wholesale. I would definitely trust them. They are also a website many use to learn about soapmaking and recipes.

Another idea is to buy CP soap base at www.emporiumnaturals.com They sell CP soap bases with instructions for rebatch. Many soapers rebatch on a regular basis as no more worries about FO accelerating or ricing plus they like a stronger scent as in M&P soap.

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Thanks Candybee. I'll definitely check out the sites you mentioned.

I haven't sold any M&P soap but I have given plenty of it away. Instead of switching from M&P to CP and having to explain that to my customers I think I'd rather just start out buying CP wholesale from someone while I learn the craft, plus I can feel better about marketing my soap as "hand made". I have nothing against those who do market their M&P soap as hand made though. It's just a personal preference. Having it made by someone else is of no consequence to me as long as it's CP soap.

I've heard of re-batching but from what I understand, and please correct me if I'm wrong, it's a laborious task to do. It seems it would be easier for me in the interim to buy the CP soap wholesale while I learn to do it myself.

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There are EXCELLENT soapers here. Hopefully, they will contact you. I'm not inclined to list some I've used for fear of inadvertently leaving out a name or two.

I will say I've used lots of soap from at least a half dozen soapers here and every single bar has been 100% wonderful.

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