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Something off with birthday cake FO's?

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Has anyone else noticed a difference in birthday cake fragrance oils recently? I ordered Lonestar's back in December and LOVED it. It was great oob and threw great as well. I re-ordered more last month and it doesn't smell the same. It smells chemically or something, even mixed with wax. I ordered Millcreek's version because I had heard a lot of good things and I felt like that smelled chemically too. In my last order to Lonestar, I ordered the smallest bottle of birthday cake again to see if maybe I had gotten a bad batch but it STILL smells weird/off.

I thought it was just me but my boyfriend and dad agreed.

Anybody else noticed this?

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I too received Lonestar Birthday cake recently for a fundraiser. Didn't really notice it being chemically but something was different. Actually made my sister sick to her stomach and I have to say while I was driving 30 miles with 500 candles in the back of my tahoe the birthday cake was the strongest and there were only 30 of them. I had 100 Bird of paradise and 100 cinnamon vanilla and the birthday cake was overpowering those. I may have to try Peak.

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