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Question about a supplier

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I hope I am posting this in the right location. I am wondering if anyone has had an issue with Jodys? I have ordered about 4 or 5 times from her. One time I ordered supplies and a few fos and another time the supplies and different fos only to find that 2 different feng shui fos were exactly the same smell. I figured it was an honest mistake and took the hit only because I liked the fo anyways so in reality it wasnt a loss. This time I ordered the crafters choice vanilla neutrilizer with my order. I didnt even take notice of the 2 ~ 8 oz bottles. I just checked the label and put them in the cabinet. I used up what I had left from another supplier and cracked open my new bottle, only to find it smelled like vanilla fo. Then I noticed the color was not clear but golden like fo. Those of you that have used the crafters choice neutrilizer know there is no wayyyy this is what is in my bottles. I have 1# of this stuff and whatever I use it in smells like vanilla, the smell does not go away. I have emailed her 3 times in the past 8 days plus called her and left a message and I am really loosing my patience. Just curious if anyone has had the same experience with her and what you did to get the issue resolved.

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Wow! Never used Jody's ourselves but if you possibly used PayPal, file a claim or file a claim with your bank/credit card company for sure! You have tried for 8 days to contact her and not a word back?? I'd be highly pissed!

Hope it works out for you and hope you find a good supplier for your needs too.

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She has always been nutty. Let's just say her CS skills are pretty much non-existent.

She has some cool products. I've never used her FO, although it was tempting. She has very unique packaging stuff. After a couple of orders, I pretty much decided I could do without. Good luck!

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Wow! Never used Jody's ourselves but if you possibly used PayPal, file a claim or file a claim with your bank/credit card company for sure! You have tried for 8 days to contact her and not a word back?? I'd be highly pissed!

Hope it works out for you and hope you find a good supplier for your needs too.

Federal law gives sellers 30+ days to get the product into the hands of the buyer. Nowhere is it written that they must become your pen pal.

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I am so sorry that this happened to you. Sometimes I think that we need a sticky that says WHERE NOT TO SHOP!

There are not enough foul words in the English language for me to use about Jody's. This is a nice board and I would not want to speak from the gutter... A few years ago, my order from Jody's arrived dirty and full of animal hair. Everything stunk like cigarette smoke too. Not only were the bottles scratched, but the caps were completely the wrong color. I contacted her repeatedly to no avail. I finally filed a claim with paypal. She sure had a lot to say then after weeks of silence. Then she emailed me from another email address and basically laughed and cursed me out. This woman lied to paypal and I lost the claim. Why? Paypal protects the seller. As long as the item is shown as having been delivered with tracking, the seller will win the case. (As a seller, I do appreciate this. I have only had a couple of claims in 15 years of business.) As a buyer, it stinks. In a nutshell, this woman is a crook. Yes, there are customers who have had nothing but good luck with this woman. Perhaps, they are lucky or they ordered what she had plenty of in good condition. I have had a few poor transactions in my life. We all do. However, I have never had one so bad in my life like I had with Jody's.

Edited by Noodle
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Thank you all for your responses. Unfortunately I cant file a dispute with PP cuz like said I put the stuff away till I used up what I had from another supplier and I think its been more than 30 days. I could kick myself. From now on I will be sure to REALLY check my products of purchase before assuming I have exactly what I ordered. Apparently she runs out of something and tries to pass it off with something else. Well I can only hope other people from here will read this and take caution and learn from my mistake.

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Apparently she runs out of something and tries to pass it off with something else.

This is exactly it. Aside from my order being gross, this woman argued with me AFTER I filed the claim that she had sent me cream colored caps. The caps were clearly pink peach in color.

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I actually got a response via email this morning. She is sorry for not responding but I am on her to do list. Saying and actually doing are 2 different things so lets see what happens with this. I will keep this thread posted on results. Thank you all.

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Every time I read on of these it just blows me away. How in the word to people stay in business? We are constantly bending over backward to fix any issues with customers even if it was their own mistake that caused the problem. Maybe we are doing it wrong and should just start ignoring everyone, it seems to work for others...

I hope that she fixes your issue :)

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WOW !! I couldnt believe it ! I got home from work yesterday and found a package in my mail box. Jodys came through for me. She replaced my vanilla browning neutrilizer without hastle or redtape. Sorry some of you had issues that werent resolved with her but I guess people change by realizing you will get nowhere fast if you cant keep customers happy. I was upset to even think this happened but all in all , I am very happy now that she made things right. Thank you all for sharing your stories and I wish you could have had better results with her like I did. I did learn a valuable lesson from this though. I will no longer assume the product in the bottle is what I order. I will always check it right away.

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I am very happy for you. I hope that she has changed her way of doing business and treating people. I never had success with Jody's, so naturally, I will never order from her again. I think your post taught a valuable lesson for everyone.

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