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464 / Honey Suckle / Fruit Slices

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Grani L here again my friends.

First of all I hope everyone's day is blessed. As for plans tonight, I will be pouring Honey Suckle and Frust Slices into 8 oz tins - 24 total candles, with either a CD 12 or CD 14 wick. The FO's are from Candles and Supplies in PA. They smelled so good in the store, I decided to go ahead and purchase the 2 FO's. I am still learning the FO phase, as far as about 1 oz / Per Pound for the basics, but has anyone used these two FO's and have any suggestions on how much to used or should I just trial and error it? I Poured black cherry last night and did 1 oz for 2 lb. I think I should have only used .7oz because it is soo strong. I could smell them down the hallway this morning when I woke up. But if anyone has any info on these types of FO's, and or wick sizes, please let me know. I greatly appreaciate your responses!!

Grani L

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We used to carry Honeysuckle from C&S. I remember an outside show that we did - the bees were buzzing all over the Honeysuckle votives!! lol We use IGI4630 and had luck with the LX10's, I believe, double-wicked in our 10 oz jars. We never tested it in the tins, so I am no help there - sorry.

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Grani L here again my friends.

First of all I hope everyone's day is blessed. As for plans tonight, I will be pouring Honey Suckle and Frust Slices into 8 oz tins - 24 total candles, with either a CD 12 or CD 14 wick. The FO's are from Candles and Supplies in PA. They smelled so good in the store, I decided to go ahead and purchase the 2 FO's. I am still learning the FO phase, as far as about 1 oz / Per Pound for the basics, but has anyone used these two FO's and have any suggestions on how much to used or should I just trial and error it? I Poured black cherry last night and did 1 oz for 2 lb. I think I should have only used .7oz because it is soo strong. I could smell them down the hallway this morning when I woke up. But if anyone has any info on these types of FO's, and or wick sizes, please let me know. I greatly appreaciate your responses!!

Grani L

You're going to pour 24 candles with FOs you've never used? Can I ask why?

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I was thinking the same thing as Beth. If you've never poured these fragrances and tested before, I wouldn't waste all of that oil and wax by making 12 candles of each scent. Why not pour 2 candles...use CD12 in one of them and the CD14 in the other. Then wait a few days and do your test burns and compare your results.

Also, just FYI, just because you have a very strong cold throw doesn't always mean the hot throw will be great...trust me. lol

I did a lot of testing using 464 several years ago and had planned to use that wax. Long story...but the person who was going to stock it where I could pick it up locally told me that until she sold the 2 other pallets of the other GB wax that she ordered...she couldn't afford to buy a full pallet of 464 since she sold out of it. So...I started testing a parasoy from Candlewic and fell in love with it. Now Candlewic sells 464 so I am seriously thinking about ordering it again. It's a lot cheaper than the CW130 that I love dearly.

I never used CD wicks so I don't have a clue what size would work best in that tin.

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I am doing favors for a Bridal Shower- But I have the basic Idea, I only was wondering if anyone had used that FO- HOW MUCH I would need for basically per pound of wax. For example, I did sweet orange chili pepper in the 8 oz tin. I did 3. One - A CD 10, One a CD 12, and the other a CD 14. I tested these. The CD 10 tunnled for about 2 - 3 hour burn sessons. On the 3rd burn I noticed that some of the hangup began to melt down- "Catching Up" as they call it. But the Throw wasnt all that strong. --And I dont want to forget about the faint Fuel smell---but I think I have that eliminated. As i have remade these. Anyway, The CD 12 seemed to burn a bit hotter than the 14, but both these had a better throw than the CD 10. Oh how do I know that? They were all tested in the bathroom, in which I could smell the 12 and 14 floating out into the hall. The 10 had some trouble making it into the hall. Oh but were the containers piping hot? um-- the CD 12 was actually Hotter than the 14, which I also thought was a bit weird. But no, they were not Piping hot as some of the jars get from Yankee Candle. The CD 10 was quite Cool. I previously tested the Black Cherry and was quite satisfied with the HT at .5 oz, but it seems like when you do more than 1 pound of wax, you can actually used LESS FO ( at least it is with my recipe) That is the reason I asked if anyone had used that Type of FO- I only needed to know about how much they used to satisfy a pound. The question was based around not WASTING FO, knowing the amount of candles that I needed. Had time not have been soo close, I would have just tested it as I have done my other FO's, Wicks, and Jar sizes.


Grani L

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