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bath bombs and slsa


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That wold be a no. :(

Any liquid added to bath bombs will set of the reaction between the citric and baking soda. Once it starts, it does not stop.

People add SLSa (or other powdered surfactants) for bubbles since they bring no moisture to the formula.

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lol thank you I can see it now...I just made bath bombs for the first time and I dont think it went so well. I used a recipe that called for 3tbs of water and when I added the water it foamed like crazy I used muffin molds but im not sure if it was saved or not because im not sure what the texture or look is

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3 Tablespoons of water?*shudder*

When dealing with citric and baking soda combined that is a recipe for disaster.

I don't use any water (or witch hazel or alcohol) in my formula. The early formulas where I did use a few little spritzes of witch hazel were feeble at best. While I could turn out nice looking shapes without trouble, they fizzled out in under a minute when they hit the tub. Hardly worth the effort!

If not using oils and butters, then the witch hazel is added sparingly to start a wee bit of reaction to glue everything together.

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