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I have used quite a few. I prefer the ultimate ones.

Snickerdoodle is by far my fav.......super strong throw in candles and tarts

Mango and Papaya

Sugar Cane and Vanilla(strong)

Apple Peel

Cucumber and Cantalope

Apple Pie

Jack Frost

That's off the top of my head...theres more I have used

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I have used quite a few. I prefer the ultimate ones.

Snickerdoodle is by far my fav.......super strong throw in candles and tarts

Mango and Papaya

Sugar Cane and Vanilla(strong)

Apple Peel

Cucumber and Cantalope

Apple Pie

Jack Frost

That's off the top of my head...theres more I have used

Does CW Snickerdoodle actually smell like snickerdoodle to you? It's really strong, but to me it just smells like something's cooking/baking/burning, lol. I expected more cinnamon?

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To tell you the truth Beth not really lol I just love the scent and so do my customers and a few of my family members always ask for it.

It smells up my enire house within 15 minutes of lighting a candle or melting tarts.

I smell more maple in it than cinnamon. Sometimes I add cinnamon to it just to give it more of a spicy kick.

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To tell you the truth Beth not really lol I just love the scent and so do my customers and a few of my family members always ask for it.

It smells up my enire house within 15 minutes of lighting a candle or melting tarts.

I smell more maple in it than cinnamon. Sometimes I add cinnamon to it just to give it more of a spicy kick.

I think that's what I'll do! Any other ideas of what to add to it?

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I think that's what I'll do! Any other ideas of what to add to it?

I just tried earlier....3 parts snickerdoodle and 1 part Cinnamon Buns(CS) and 1 part dpg to my plug in warmer and it smells great.

Normally I love the scent by itself but the CB does add a nice spicy kick to it if you prefer more spicey notes :)

Pomegranite Cider is another really nice FO from CW that sold really well for me around the holidays last year.

Cranberry Chutney is one that I have been wanting to try out.

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