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Suggestions for selling off everything?

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We will be moving soon and I will not have my own space for my craft anymore so I need ideas on how to sell off my entire supply inventory. I never got serious about selling my products so I never saw the need to actually INVENTORY my supplies so I was thinking along the lines of selling it all to someone who would be willing to come pack it up and take it away since it would take me quite awhile to inventory everything (time that I don't have). We're talking supplies enough to start a small, at home candle and b&b biz here. LOL

What are your suggestions or ideas?

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I second that! VA is too far for me to drive- LOL

I am sorry to hear you have to give it up.... maybe place a add in your local paper or craigslist - I am always on the hunt for people in my area selling stuff and have acquired many good things!

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Trust me, if I had the time to inventory everything and get a system set up to be able to sell in small lots I definitely would. We are talking 5+ years worth of me buying supplies .... an entire bedroom turned into my work area with cabinets, tables, and shelves that are loaded down. LOL

On top of having to get rid of everything I just had hernia surgery and am not allowed to lift over 10 lbs so it would be difficult to try to lift and weigh a lot of the stuff for shipping.

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Take pictures, post them on here first... put a "total price" . There's enough of us within driving distance that if the price is good enough, we wont mind driving to pick them up.

As much as Im sure you want to get the best possible price out of all of it, remember you're wanting someone to pick it up and take it all as an entire lot. Some people might have to drive 200 or 300 miles. Price it right, and they WILL come!

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Oh trust me, someone will get one heck of a deal. At this point I have no choice but to either sell it now quick and cheap or pack it up and move it with me and try to sell it later. This move is happening without much notice or I would have had no problem doing an inventory and listing in lots.

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zoom in as much as you can on the items. Sure small group shots would be wonderful but we all understand the limitations you are under considering health issues and time frame. Just make as MUCH clear as humanly possible.. very organized so each item can be seen...

ok, like, if u had 4 cases of different waxes, sit them on a table, and in large black majic marker numbers put like the type of wax like 6006 , or 4794 or whatever, so we can tell what is what. If you really can't take the time to post how much is in it, write it on the box beside the number... 4794 25lbs

put all your soap dyes in a bunch, all your wax dyes in a bunch and make sure they are marked as what is what..

Just make signs to stick on the items that would really need explaination like the type and amount of wax, soap, dye. The more info you can provide with the pictures, either by clarity of picture or signs with the pictures, the less emails you'll get cause we will know lol

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Ugh, this could end up being more difficult than I thought. LOL

So much of the stuff is in boxes up on shelves and to be able to photograph the contents would mean pulling all of the boxes down, which I'm not able to do. I'm leaning more towards Craigslist at this point since it would be easier for someone local to just come see everything for themselves.

I do have a call in to a friend asking if she would be willing to come help me with pictures but she's working all week and won't be able to help until the weekend.

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