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Helppppppp !!

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Oh, Im so sorry you didn't get my southern slang LOL It's kind of like saying something is "bad" when it's good.

Let me rephrase .... I tried two scents that throw extremely well, hot or cold. They did not have any scent at all on the first one, and on the second scent, it is extremely light.

Sorry, I was in a hurry when I typed it out. I just assumed anyone that answered would realize I was asking if they'd had a known wax, be wonky.. as in, not its usual acting self, and not throw scents that normally send off massive amounts of scent.

Next time I'll make certain I phrase it differently so there's no confusion with my southern slang terminology.

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4794, from Aztec, got two 10lb slabs to finish up a project. Both bought at the same time. Have checked. Both came out of the same lot from IGI. I used the first slab about two weeks ago, and just opened the second slab that was kept side by side in the same room as the other and all my FOs. This second slab that is in question, was opened, and heated up to right at 190. I didn't use it that day, so we turned it off. I heated it up yesterday morning before going to town. It was set on 200. When I poured last night, as I put it in my mixing pot, got it to 180, added FO , I noticed there was NO scent. Not when a hint of a scent. This was the very first thing I'd done all day so I didnt think it to be candle nose. I had , the day before, checked the FO OOB. It is a habit to sniff each time I make something, just in case it seems "off" in the scent department. It smelled fine, about choked me it was so strong. ( was my beloved coconut that I hate like crazy ! ). When it hit the wax, it was like totally gone scent wise.

Thought ok.... maybe there's something with this scent and its a dude ( was a 1oz sample ) . So, emptied pot, cleaned it out, started over with another one that I make all the time and it's so strong it runs me out of the workroom when I pour it. This time there is a scent, but it is so light you have to pick it up and bury your nose in it to get the scent. This has never happened before with this scent, or wax, and this scent was out of the same bottle that I used two weeks ago, and for the past 2 months, that has worked wonderfully.

I find it odd that two known scents in a known wax I have used since 98 , and have never once had anything close to this issue with, are duds at the same time. It keeps pointing to the wax in my mind anyway. I was just curious if anyone had ever experienced this happening before with their wax. Sorry RJ that I didnt specify the wax, but it was more or less just generally thrown out there to anyone who'd ever had a wax do this. If it'd been soy.. and if I hadn't probably used 300 cases of this stuff since 98, I'd think it needed to cure LOL.

Just was confused, in a panic when I made the original post because I was literally in the middle of all that going on and trying to get finished to meet a deadline.

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I have some 4794 from Peak's but, of course, it all comes from IGI. If it is a bad batch, many people would be affected and that info should be available by looking at this forum and others. Or contact IGI since you have the lot number. To answer you question, no, I have not yet run across a bad batch.

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