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Mill Creek Soy Lotion


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I have been testing this for awhile, I have been testing it so far with no fo at all. I am more interested in how it performs than how it smells. The thing I notice is it seems to seperate. If I put it in a bottle it is watery on top when it comes out. If I shake it up its ok, but who remembers to shake the bottle every time. This stuff is basicly pretty thick, just wants to seperate after it sits.. Has anyone else noticed this, and is there a fix. I have a gallon I wanted to do for Christmas but was not happy with the perforamance I was getting .Kind of disappointed.:undecided

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I've just used the last of a gallon I had. I used it all myself, so you can imagine I had that jug for quite a while. I had it sitting next to my nightstand in my bedroom and I kept a filled lotion bottle at work and I've never notice it seperate at all. It was pretty thick also. Just makes me wonder if it is going to differ from batch to batch. Would like to hear others comments also.

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Hum:rolleyes: It makes me wonder, I think I bought this back in Sept. It seemed to be thick then, because I remember thinking I wish I would have bought the pump. Now I don't need the pump at all, and its has been at room temp.:confused:

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