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Silent tagging pages?


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Do any of you that promote or have a business page on Facebook go to the business tagging or silent tagging pages to promote your products?

I have started doing it to get my "Like" numbers up but have been thinking that maybe the fans I get from it aren't really ever going to purchase anything from me.

So my "Likes" I would say are very superficial because they aren't genuine people who want to buy or have bought and used my products.

Anyway just wanted to ask that question. What is all of your opinions?

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When someone lands on your FB page the higher the like count imo the more they would trust your company... buuuuuuuut, the new facebook algorithm may take into account the % of participating fans when it determines the relevant posts for your likers, so it could eliminate the post from the feed of the people who truly are interested so it is a give and take. If you are just starting up, I would probably say go for the likes then go more organic later but if it is more established it wouldn't be worth it.

Just my opinion.

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I think it looks good for a page to see a lot of fans. But, if I go to their page and there is all sorts of "junk" on there, like the silent tagging stuff or people saying "new fan from......" I don't stay on that page long. If people promote their business on my facebook page, I delete it right away. I want people coming to my page to see information about my products, not who my latest fan is. Does that make sense? Does that even answer your question? lol.

I guess my simple answer is no- I don't go to those pages. There are places that have times where you can promote your products- like nature's garden show and tell. Other pages have those times of things too and I will do that.

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I agree it does look good to see alot of fans but the content and quality counts. Recently I found out how some of these pages with a high like # and no one talking may be gaining traffic by buying them. One site is http://www.buyrealfansandlikes.com/ and there are tons of places like this out there that sell likes to give you an image of being bigger than you really are.

Personally I think it's dishonest, sad and a big ol waste of time since as Jack said, they're never going to buy which is the point of marketing to begin with.

I've seen a few promote your crap here FB pages, I guess you could try that if you don't mind being crammed in there with crazy cat lady's super cool toilet paper cozy and crochet tampons. Again most of those pages are superficial at best filled with the "new fan from so and so" then it's all cross promoting from there and I don't want toilet paper cozies on my FB page and I don't want my feeds clogged.

If the pages you want to tag with with are clogged with stuff like that then people just block the feed but maybe still keep the like or may unlike it at some point. But at the end of the day, it's free so I guess it's trial and error.

You could try the classic what I'm melting or burning pages on Facebook but again I've found they are all pretty much cheapskates and will nail you to a cross if they don't get enough freebies or give them lots of attention. I'd run away from those people, but some little companies have some luck with them.

I don't really bother with Facebook these days, I advertise with Candlefind.com and have awesome traffic and tons of repeat business. Maybe check them out.

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You are left with a lot of fans that never interact with you, never look at your page and never ever come back. I've never had anyone purchase anything from those, all they do is drive up your fan numbers, but interaction is what you really need!

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One thing you might consider doing is having giveaways, such as when you hit 300 'likes', 500, etc., or if they post a picture to your wall of one of your products in their home you'll pick one to win a free prize. Also a bit of fan interaction - ask what they'd like to see you carry, what scents they'd be interested in, what they're doing for the holiday, stuff like that. Also if you have an occasional special (buy 3 get 1 free) "For our FB Fans only!" it tends to bump up the interest. Or at least I think it does, those are things that tend to pique my interest :)

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One thing you might consider doing is having giveaways, such as when you hit 300 'likes', 500, etc., or if they post a picture to your wall of one of your products in their home you'll pick one to win a free prize. Also a bit of fan interaction - ask what they'd like to see you carry, what scents they'd be interested in, what they're doing for the holiday, stuff like that. Also if you have an occasional special (buy 3 get 1 free) "For our FB Fans only!" it tends to bump up the interest. Or at least I think it does, those are things that tend to pique my interest :)

Oh! Thank you for those ideas. I like that alot. I will try some hopefully soon. :-)

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I've seen pages that had over 4000 likes and most of them were from some other business. The one's that say new fan from or liking your page, please return the favor. Stuff like that. I don't waste time on those b/c imo those are pages where people are just trying to run up their numbers to make them look bigger or better?? I'd rather have 100 likes from people who actually bought and use my products than 4000 of people who never used and never will use my products. Mostly I think it's in an attempt for them to get more likes and to promote their business on your page. Not saying there's anything wrong if you do that, it's just not me.

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I have seen those pages also where you can get more fans by reciprocating a like on their page etc...but to me they are what I call "fake" fans. It makes the numbers look good but it really doesn't do much more to promote your product to people who are really interested. I don't know, it would be nice to have lots of fans but I would prefer them to be real fans...lol

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