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Ahhhhhhhhhh, the memories. I got started in candle making about 20 years ago when I inherited a huge block of wax of unknown origin. It was too big to move out of the way and I got tired of stepping around it, so I started chipping away at it with an ice pick.

I really have no memory of details, plus I didn't have a clue what I was doing.

Good luck is about all I can say. Honestly, if you want to really make candles and not just play around with what you have, trash it and start with good stuff that you can identify. Best case scenario is you'll accidentally make the world's best candle but won't be able to replicate it.


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If its a hard slab you have to hit with a hammer to break it up its most likely a pillar paraffin. You can heat it up to 180-190, add dye and fragrance, and pour into your mold. Do you have a mold, scent, dye, and wick? You can pick these up at your local craft store for playing around with your wax. You may need to poke relief holes in your wax and do a repour. If so then repour wax at 10 degrees hotter to level off the top.

If you are serious about making great candles buy your supplies from a refutable candle making supplier. Good luck!

Edited by Candybee
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Yup, I have everything needed. As for molds, I have a 3in pillar and for wick I was planning on using a zinc core which says it works for 2-3in candles. I just wanted to see other thoughts on what might work best for temps.

I figure i will use up this wax and then move on to better things. I have been looking up a lot of products i would love to try from peak and candlescience.

Edited by kimberly_hackbarth
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