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What I am currently testing from Natures Garden..........


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464 wax, 8oz jj, cd wicks

Bacon..........this smells like bacon bits in the melts but when burning in a candle it is a more pleasant smell. Kinda like meat sizzling at a campsite fire. Either way this is a novelty fo in my opinion. We thought the guys would get a kick out of it, but..........it seems people just wanna talk about how gross the CT is. Ever now and then someone likes it.....

Bermuda Triangle.......this is one of the best smelling fo I have smelled in a long time! Smells like you could drink it, a mango, etc fruit smoothie! But alas I cant seem to get it to work in my candles OR melts! How can something not work in melts??? Any suggestions? I even tried adding a touch of KY's super strong lemon cake and that just poofed out a smell for a short time then back to dead nothing.......Please give me some advice with this one. Its such a great scent but its so weak, I could barely even smell it in a bathroom...hmmm, gotta start all over and see if I can figure it out. And this bottle cost me the most............

Cinnamon Sticks..........Pretty good,I am not finished in candle testing. I dont think I ever tested a bad cinnamon from anywhere. Some may be better than others, but I dont think any have ever been bad for me.....Now vanilla on the other hand......................I couldnt even get KY's southern vanilla to be decent for me! I am a failure when it comes to vanilla!!!!!!!

Fresh Brewed Coffee..........I thought I tested this and found it pretty good (med strong in candles) but i cant find my notes anywhere! It reminds me of ground coffee beans.....a coffee shop smell.....sometimes its almost like you can smell chocolate somewhere or something.....thats why it made me think of a coffee shop....but its not even close to a mocha....I dunno but I like it. i guess I will have to test it in candles again since I cant find my notes on it. Works in melts. I decided to call it Campfire Coffee because of the "something different" in there.....

Wild Wild West............mmmmmm, this is a:wink2::wink2: "wink at the cute guy" scent! Totally smells like a guy's aftershave and then a final note of leather! I so got the whole cowboys of the wild west name. Medium HT for me but a pleasant smell so I use it. Its not weak, fills my bedroom but not the whole livingroom/kitchen area so thats why I say medium.

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What type of candles did you try 'Bermuda Triangle' in? That is one I have had my eye on and when I make a Nature's Garden order soon I was thinking of getting it.

I have a friend who absolutely LOVES 'Wild Wild West'. I will keep that one around for her birthday, Christmas, and other gifts.

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i tried it in 464 wax with a cd wick, 8oz jj..........im thinking of starting over with it.......see if I made some obvious wrong calculation or something.................or maybe its one of those weird ones that needs ATLEAST 2 weeks to cure. I think I let it set for 5 days b4 testin

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I have always had awesome CT and HT from NG oils and recently I ordered Bedtime Bath, Jamaica Me Crazy and Indian Summer and was NOT happy with the CT or HT after a 7 day cure time in my wax melts using Enchanted Lights wax, no dye, 8% FO.

I pulled the melts out after about 17 day's cure and OH MY GOSH were they intense and strong!!!!!

Just to test my theory that certain FO's need a lot longer to cure, I made the same scented melts in Ecosoya and C3 and got the same results....not much CT or HT until 2 weeks or more lol.

So put the melts away and pull them out in 2 weeks...you may be pleasantly surprised!!!

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